[RegCNET] how to modify landuse data and read data file such as *.CDF form

ljy_926 at 126.com ljy_926 at 126.com
Tue Feb 13 04:01:00 CET 2007

Dear Reqcnet, 
       I'm a new user of RegCM3, Now I expect to get help for two questions.
(1)  I want to modify the landuse data to test the effect of underling surface by using new landuse datas of north of china,
My way is to read grid landuse data in DOMAIN.INFO by using Grads and replace the grid landuse data by using new landuse datas. 
But is it right?  if someone know the correct and simple way, please tell me, I'll very grateful.
(2) I want to look at the data file such as *.CDF form,  but I don't know which software to use. IF you know it,  please tell me,
thank all very much
         ljy  2007.2.13
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