[RegCNET] why cannot I run it in UNIX-IBM correctly

东东 dongdong8892 at 163.com
Wed Aug 16 10:01:58 CEST 2006

I am from Anhui province in China , here we have a HPC with UNIX , and the machine is IBM.  
I have makefile like this: ln -sf Makefile_IBM Makefile.  And I set the parameter ibyte = 4 (for IBM)
When I run the ./terrain.x , the programme stopped at "**fexist   === End of Compilation 31 ===   "       with this error information :   
    "1501-510  Compilation successful for file terrain.f.<BR>        xlf_r -o terrain terrain.o -L../../Commons/env/libibm/ -lnetcdf<BR>Target "all" is up to date.<BR>exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ./terrain because of the following errors:<BR>        0509-026 System error: There is not enough memory available now."
Could some teacher give me some suggestion to deal with my problem, thank you very much.
By the way, I am a newhand , can I make sure that the data-diretory is that:
  DATA for ERA40 data ,  SST for SST data,  SURFACE for landuse data , should the GLCC file be in form of *.gz ?
                                                 peter Lu     2006,8,16
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