[RegCNET] Problems with XRegCm under SUSE 9.3

baris onol bonol at ncsu.edu
Thu Apr 27 19:08:49 CEST 2006

hi Svetlana,
you didnt explain the problem detailedly. i need standard output of script.
i never test XRegcm in SuSE. it should be worked.  it is working FC5.
it could be library problem. are you also sure regcm is working properly.
if you have problem with Xregcm, you can switch to 'easyregcm' which is
just based on shell script. you dont need any libs or extra installation. 
you can use from console and answer same questions which XRegCM has.
it's on the same web page with  XRegcm.
copy easyregcm into Regcm directory and run like " ./easyregcm ".


ps : you can ask questions directly to me. i am not sure these questions
related to regcnet!  

Долгих wrote:
> Dear All.
> we got a problem with starting XRegCM under SUSE Linux 9.3. Before that we used Fedora Core 4 and everything was fine. But a few days ago we installed SUSE 9.3 and encountered a problem with starting XRegCm.
> All necessary dependencies have been installed (GTK, XDialog, IFC, etc). But when we starting XRegCM, after first screen "Which part do you want to start from?" the script back to the console (shell).
> Please HELP US!!!
> thanks in advance
> Svetlana
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Baris ONOL
North Carolina State University
Department of Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences 
Raleigh, NC, USA 27695-8208
Phone: (919) 513 0243

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