[RegCNET] sub-grid

BI XUNQIANG bixq at ictp.trieste.it
Wed Apr 19 10:59:07 CEST 2006

Sorry, I didn't note that the previous email Cc to regcnet.

On Wed, 19 Apr 2006, Simon Krichak wrote:

> Does it mean that results of our earlier subbats runs are incorrect?

No, the earlier subbats is still fine. I just mean the scheme could be 
improved, especially you do the comparison of subbats with no_subbats.

In the previous scheme, the topography is the same, but the LANDUSE are 
not the same (I reset the LANDUSE besed on TerrainS LANDUSE), so it
causes the difference for several coastal points in ICBC file.

By the way, Simon, please not Cc to regcnet for this kind of question. 
I am afraid that it would cause confusion.

Best regards,

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