[RegCNET]Re: Analysing RegCM output in arcview: Extracting climate estimates on irregular grids in arcview

moetasim mashfaq at purdue.edu
Sat Dec 31 18:42:27 CET 2005

I don't know exactly what arcview format is..Its probably raster format and I 
guess you might be using RegCM data for hydrological model input. The simplest 
way to convert RegCM data into raster format is as follwoing:
1) Create a mask of the subcatchment in raster format.
2) Interpolate RegCM data linearly at the resolution of that mask.
3) Use that mask to convert/read the data from that irregular grid only and 
then re-write it in raster format.
The other way round is that you first create mask for that catchment in raster 
format at RegCM data resolution. Use that to extract data for that catchment 
and then interpolate it to desired hydrological model resolution. 
The code should read in RegCM lat/lon grid and by simple comparsion with mask 
you can only write data which falls within masked region, in raster format. 
EAS, Purdue University
Webpage: http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~mashfaq 

Quoting joseph intsiful <jintsiful at yahoo.com>:

> Dear All,
> I am trying to extract RegCM output for an irregular
> grid (Volta Basin subcatchment) in arcview. I would
> also be very grateful if someone can suggest how to
> convert the RegCM output (in Grads format)to arcview
> format.
> Wishing you a happy new year.
> Joseph. 
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