lost a bunch of keys

Erio Tosatti tosatti at sissa.it
Wed Jul 18 12:24:04 CEST 2007

I lost a bunch of keys yesterday, tues. July 17,
either at ICTP or nearby. Whoever finds them can 
contact me, or else leave them with the ICTP switchboard,
I will be extremely grateful.

E. Tosatti


Erio  Tosatti

Via Beirut 4, 34014 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39-040-3787-438 (office) -443 or 437 (secr.) -528 (fax)

P.O.B. 586, 34014 Trieste, Italy
Phone: +39-040-2240-289 (office) -540 (secr.) -410 (fax)

email: tosatti at sissa.it

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