Dear all,

OWSD is excited to invite you to the Africa Region session of the Short Talks, Big Impacts OWSD Women in Science Spotlight Competition, taking place on Friday, 21 February at 14:00 CET. This live webinar will feature outstanding women scientists who have been selected to present their research in a dynamic 3-minute format.

Why Should You Join?

Register to Attend:

Click on the link below to register for the webinar and join us in supporting the incredible women scientists of Africa:

Meet the Africa Region Presenters:

Please find attached the list of selected presenters from the Africa region, each showcasing their research that is making a real-world impact.

We look forward to seeing you there, engaging with the presentations, and casting your vote for the most inspiring scientist!

Best regards,

Organization Logo

Giulia Signori
+39 040 2240 674

Women. Science. Development.