Medical Physics Seminar

 'AI in medical imaging: from scan planning to report generation' by Dr Christophe Schülke from SISSA


The AI boom in the last 10 years largely builds on the early success of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in image classification. In healthcare, diagnostic imaging has thus logically been one of the early adopters of the newly developed technologies. Beyond image classification for automated diagnosis, CNNs and their offsprings have successfully been applied to different steps of the image production chain such as system calibration, image reconstruction and image denoising. The use of AI also promises to alleviate different bottlenecks in the imaging workflow, with the aim of reducing misdiagnosis and staff workload while increasing patient throughput. This seminar will give an overview of some of these current and potential applications of AI in medical imaging. The focus will be on general principles and achieved benefits rather than on the technical aspects of deep learning.

Also via zoom:

ID: 970 9571 9958
PSW: 082024


The Seminar will take place on Tuesday, 10 December 2024 at 11:30 am (Central European Time)

In Presence: Leonardo Building - Luigi Stasi Seminar Room

Christophe Schülke studied physics in France and in Switzerland, where he first came across biomedical engineering. During his master thesis project, he worked on for first-pass perfusion in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Fascinated by the complex algorithms used for image reconstruction, he sought to get a better understanding of them by pursuing a PhD. There, he applied methods from statistical physics to study information-theoretical aspects of inverse problems.
After his PhD defense in 2016, he joined the Philips research lab in Hamburg. In the following years, he designed and optimized image reconstruction algorithms for accelerated and motion-robust MRI and CT.
He recently joined SISSA as a research fellow in the field of neuroscience, but remains very attached to medical imaging.

Indico webpage for this seminar:

The MMP Programme
ICTP - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera, 11
I - 34151 Trieste
Tel. +39-040-2240487