Dear ICTP community,
The Scientific Fablab will be only partially open (without machines and assistance by the staff) today, Thursday 29 August, and then will be CLOSED starting from Friday 30 August until a date to be defined in September. But you can visit us at the Maker Faire Trieste, organized by ICTP with the collaboration of the Municipality of Triest, in Piazza dell'Unità d'Italia on the two dates of Saturday 31 August (2pm - 8pm) and Sunday 1st September (10am - 6pm). You are all welcome!!!
For info:

Carlo Fonda and Enrique Canessa,

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Unit - ICTP Scientific FabLab - Maker Faire Trieste
ph. 040 2240317 - mob. 347 8001871