Just a reminder for tomorrow' Arduino Day event at the ICTP fablab! A few seats are still available!

COME TO LEARN A NEW SKILL at our special event (Arduino International Day 2024): it’s an hands-on workshop for beginners, to learn how to assemble and program simple but powerful electronic circuits with sensors and actuators using the Arduino microcontroller board! Please book your participation by sending an email to scifablab@ictp.it

The event will be in English, OPEN and FREE for everyone (also from outside ICTP, minimum age is 16).

Venue: ICTP SciFabLab, via Beirut 6 (ICTP Campus, Miramare, E. Fermi Building, lower level)


16:00 – 17:00 Pre-event: guided visit of the FabLab, demo of lasercutter and 3D printers, info on fablabs and digital fabrication (no registration needed), followed by:

*** "Arduino 101" Workshop: 17:00-19:30 (with email registration) ***

17:00 TALK Introduction to the Arduino platform and alternatives, presentation of boards, examples of projects using Arduino, IDE and programming options (by M. Baruzzo)

17:45 – 19:00 WORKSHOP "The Arduino Starter Kit for absolute beginners" hands-on demo with Arduino Uno (by G. Fior)

19:00 – 19:15 EXTRA TALK “Data logging with Googlesheet”, what to do when you are collecting data with sensors and a microcontroller on the field (by E. Ronchin)

Questions, chat, etc.

INFO: http://scifablab.ictp.it/2024/02/06/arduino-day-2024-ictp-scifablab/

WHERE: http://scifablab.ictp.it/how-to-get-here/

FLYER: http://scifablab.ictp.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/POSTER.jpg