Dear colleagues,

On behalf of Prof. Romain Murenzi, UNESCO-TWAS Executive Director, and Ms. Anna Illy, President Fondazione Ernesto Illy, we are pleased to invite you to the “Ernesto Illy Colloquia: Sustainability challenges in coffee growing worldwide” to be held as a hybrid event, on 27-29 September in Trieste, Italy.

The event will address key challenges in coffee research, growth and production. Coffee is not only a world commodity but also a resource for many developing countries. The general decrease in commodity prices, including coffee, as well as the consequences of climate change put at serious risk numerous communities worldwide who depend on coffee production for their livelihoods.
Through presentation, round-tables and workshop breakout groups, this even will look into these challenges and provide opportunities to connect, transfer knowledge and build collaborations between researchers and coffee experts, both in developing and developed countries.

If you wish to attend the event, we kindly ask you to click on this link and register to the conference through Zoom. Kindly note that the event is passport protected and that the same link will be used for the 3 days.

If you encounter any issue with the registration, or need any additional information, please do not reply to this email direct. Kindly contact us at

Attached to this email, the preliminary agenda of the Conference.

Thank you for your attention and we looking forward to receiving your online participation.

Best regards,

Max Paoli
Programme Coordinator
TWAS, The World Academy of Sciences
Trieste, Italy