To all those who made their generous donations, colleagues and visitors.

I would like to inform you that we have collected 570,00 Euros!

Upon suggestions I have received from some of you, I have donated the sum as follows (find here attached the relevant receipts):

- Euro 270, 00 to Emergency ONG Onlus - Motive: Emergency Ukraine

- Euro 250,00 to Fondazione Lucchetta Ota D'Angelo Hrovatin - Motive: Shelter Homes for sick children and their parents

(E.12,00 are for bank transfer expenses)

- Euro 50,00 has been given to our colleague Francesca Prelazzi, you purchased a specific medicine for an ex-associate's son, who is in real need of it for his good health, while it is very hard to find in India.

I really would like to thank first of all our Director Prof. Dabholkar who gave me the authorization for this event and  my direct supervisor Mr Maggi, who supported me during all the week!

Last, but not least, I would like to thank you all for your contributions. Those made me happy twice: we have done a good deed and I like to think that my creations helped reaching and even exceeding my initial goal of Euro 500,00!!!

Thank you again

All the best
