ICTP CLOSURE AND ARRANGEMENTS during the Easter Festivities (2 -5 April 2021)

ICTP Staff will not be on duty during these days;

The Marie Curie Library will be CLOSED;

For what concerns the Leonardo Cafeteria and Bar, please note the following schedule:

Friday April 2nd, Saturday April 3rd, Easter Sunday April 4th:

LB Bar open from 9am to 2pm

LB Cafeteria open for lunch (12am-1pm) and dinner (7pm-7.45pm)

Easter Monday April 5th:

LB Bar open from 8am until 1pm

LB Cafeteria open for lunch (12am-1pm) and dinner (7pm-7.45pm)


The ICTP shuttle services will be suspended between Friday April 2nd and Monday April 5th;

Please note that on Easter Monday April 5th, the public transportation services will run according to their Sunday schedule.

Please be also aware that due to the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 emergency, we are all reminded of the importance to stay home except for essential activities.

All ICTP services will be resumed on Tuesday April 6th 2021.

Info point