Dear All,

You are cordially invited to a Special Seminar: "Fibonacci in Maths, Science and Art: A semi-serious tribute", by Prof. Claudio Arezzo, Fibonacci Room*, Galileo Guest House, ICTP, on Thursday 17 October 2019 at 16.30 hrs.

Abstract: After a brief introduction to Fibonacci’s life and role in the diffusion of Indian-Arabic mathematical discoveries into the European culture, Prof. Claudio Arezzo will present some of the most classical and some of the strangest appearances of his famous sequence in modern culture.

Prof. Claudio Arezzo is Head of the Maths Group at ICTP.

This special event is to celebrate the opening of the "Fibonacci Room" at the Galileo Guest House.

Light refreshments will be served afterwards.

All are most welcome to attend.

Director's Office