Dear All

ICTP is pleased to announce that the forthcoming ICTP Colloquium, "Three Hot Topics on Climate Change" , will take place today at 16:00 hrs, in the Budinich Lecture Hall, Leonardo Building, ICTP. 

Three leading climate experts will give a public lecture on clouds, extreme weather and global warming:

" Clouds in the climate system, why so much uncertainty?" by Prof. Sandrine Bony, LMD,  CNRS Director of Research in Paris, France.  Her main research interest is advancing understanding of the role of clouds and cloud processes in climate sensitivity and in the large-scale circulation of the atmosphere, using a combination of modeling, observational and conceptual approaches. She is presently co-organising a large-scale field experiment that will take place in 2020 over the tropical Atlantic near Barbados. 

 "Will our weather extremes become even more extreme?" by Kerry Emanuel, MIT USA. He is the Cecil and Ida Green professor of atmospheric science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA. His research speciality is hurricane physics and he was the first to investigate how long-term climate change might affect hurricane activity, an issue that continues to occupy him today. His interests also include cumulus convection, and advanced methods of sampling the atmosphere in aid of numerical weather prediction.

"Beyond Global Warming" by Bjorn Stevens, director at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology (MPIM) in Hamburg, Germany. His research blends modeling, theory and field work to help articulate the role of aerosols, clouds and atmospheric convection in the climate system with pioneering contributions to both understanding and modelling of mixing and microphysical processes and their impact on the structure and organization of clouds.

More information is available at

The Colloquium will be livestreamed at

Light refreshments will be served after the lecture.

You are all very warmly invited to attend.

Office of the Director, ICTP.