"Refugee Bear Project" at the Leonardo Building Lobby on 13 December from 11:30 to 14:00

The Associazione Italo Americana FVG / American Corner Trieste, thanks also to the support of the US Embassy to Italy,  has been working with Refugees for the past three years.  Initially Life Skills English Classes were taught to Refugees.  Since May 2018, the Refugee Bear Project was established to promote entrepreneurship and integration with the Refugees and showcase talent.

The original bear was designed by Azim & Abbas,  as a symbol of love and security.  

This simple idea to help two expert tailors (refugees from Afghanistan) has now expanded into a volunteer-run weekly sewing workshop for new refugees and members of the community.

The project is supported by volunteers who share their expertise in graphics, marketing, communications and language training.  The American Corner Trieste provides space and equipment. All other materials for the bears are donated by the public. 

Over 100 unique bears have been produced and make fantastic presents for both young and old and help support the local refugee community.

A few tailors will be present at the Leonardo Building Lobby on Thursday 13 December, from 11:30 to 14:00, to showcase their work. Bears will also be available for purchase.

Thank you for your kind attention

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