Dear All,

Ten regional scientific institutes will sign an agreement to support scientists in exile, displaced by war.

The signing ceremony will be hosted by ICTP TODAY, Monday 17 September 2018, from 10-12.00 hrs in the Leonardo Building, Budinich Lecture Hall. The ceremony will include a short version of theĀ  documentary "Science in Exile",

( and a talk by Yakzan Shishakly from the Maram Foundation.

A roundtable discussion on"Reinventing the future: Concrete actions for scientists in exile" will follow.

All Staff are most welcome to participate to support this initiative undersigned by 10 international scientific institutions in Trieste/Udine.

Supervisors are invited to release staff for this special event.

Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Director's Office, ICTP