On behalf of the Director, you are cordially invited to the 2018
Spirit of Salam Award Ceremony followed by the 2017/2018
Postgraduate Diploma Graduation Ceremony.
Both events will take place today, Friday 24 August 2018,
in the Budinich Lecture Hall, LB, from 14.30 - 17.00 and will be
followed by light refreshments.
The events will be livestreamed from the ICTP website.
We look forward to seeing you!
Best regards,
Joanna Lacey
Office of the Director
2018 Spirit of Salam Awardees: https://www.ictp.it/about-ictp/media-centre/news/2018/1/spirit-salam-2018-winners.aspx
Event info at: http://indico.ictp.it/event/8520/
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