Once again the Fund for Hunger will be present with a stand during the MiniMaker Faire to be held on 16 and 17 September.

If any of you would like to prepare one or more dishes from the Non Numerical Recipes cookbook to be sold at the stand, can you please get in touch with Anne Gatti (email: gattianne5@gmail.com). Any other dish of your own choice would also be most welcome.

In addition to selling the food items, we will also be selling the recipe book as well as holding a raffle. All the proceeds will go to the Fund for Hunger.

Our stand has had an enormous success in the previous MiniMaker Faires. Last year the proceeds went to the Fondazione Luchetta Ota D'Angelo Hrovatin based in Trieste and the previous year to support the earthquake victims in Nepal.

We look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible.

Enrico Fratnik
Fund for Hunger

Fund for Hunger
Associazione di Promozione Sociale

c/o ICTP
Strada Costiera, 11
34151 - Trieste

email: ffh@ictp.it
C.F.: 90138550323
UniCredit Bank: IT 75 L 02008 02213 000102658620 (BIC / SWIFT: UNCRITM10ND)