Important information:

Two ICTP scientists, Carlo Fonda and Claudio Tuniz will be involved in the Science+Fiction Festival's lecture series as follows:

Wednesday 2 November, 10:30: Carlo Fonda will talk about Scientific Fabrication Laboratories

Thursday 3 November, 11:15: Claudio Tuniz will discuss the co-existence of Homo species in the Altai mountains of Central/East Asia.

Both events are free and will  take place in the Magazzino Delle Idee (corso cavour, 2) close to the Trieste Train Station.

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is a multidisciplinary event devoted to the exploration of the realms of the “fantastic” genre, and the use of new technologies and experimental languages in film, television and visual arts. The main purpose of Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is to present and promote, in Italy and in its neighboring countries, “fantastic” productions from all over the world, focusing particularly on science-fiction and fantasy cinematographic and audio-visual works.

The sixteenth “Trieste Science+Fiction Festival” edition is  organized and promoted by La Cappella Underground and will take place in Trieste at the Sala Tripcovich, Teatro Miela and Cinema Ariston from the 1st to the 6th of November 2016.

The Capella Underground is kindly offering ICTP staff and scientists special prices to enjoy this year's festival.

Tickets can be purchased at the following discounted prices on a first come first serve basis as follows:

1. Access to all films with the "SOYUZ"  Card - at the discounted price of Eur 20 (instead of Eur 30). With this card, tickets for the concert on 31 Oct by "Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti" band will cost Eur 10 ( instead of 15).

You may purchase the "Soyuz" card directly at the Mediateca de La Cappella Underground in via Roma 19 on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 13:00 and Thursdays from 15:00 to 19:00 starting on 5 October 2016. You must show your ICTP badge in order to be able to purchase this special card.

You may also purchase the "Soyuz" card on-line at and send an email to with your name, surname and a scanned copy of your ictp badge.

2. For single screenings, a number of free tickets or "coupons" have been kindly offered to ICTP and available at the Info Point upon presentation of your ICTP badge.

Many of the films will be either in English or with English subtitles. The website is here:

Check also attached programme.

Zina Makkawi (Ms)
Director's Office
The Abdus Salam International Centre
  for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera, 11
34151 Trieste, Italy
T +39 040 2240507