Immaginario Scientifico di Trieste

Special science activity for families at Immaginario Scientifico

in memory of Arturo Falaschi

Great interest for “Arturo's Helix”, the science lab for families about genetics and DNA,

 held on Sunday the 29th of May at Immaginario Scientifico in Trieste

We know that the DNA molecule determines many traits of our body & mind (and even which diseases we are prone to catch), yet how many of us have ever seen it "live"? You can do it on Sunday the 29th of May, at 15.00 at the Immaginario Scientifico Science Centre of Trieste in a special laboratory aimed at families on the subject of molecular genetics.


This special event is named Arturo's Helix, after Arturo Falaschi, Director of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Trieste and Molecular Biology Professor at the Scuola Normale in Pisa, departed on June 1st  2010.

In memory of this great man of science and culture, the Arturo's Helix event will give the opportunity to families with children over  8 to experience the DNA extraction from a plant tissue, using a simple technique and "ingredients" of everyday life. This involving, informal teaching activity has aroused a great interest in the public of Trieste science centre and has been fully booked.



Trieste, May 24th 2016


















Ufficio Stampa: Micol Ascoli Marchetti | 040 224337 • 348 7735988 |