Science Picnic and MiniMakerFaire

Dear All,

ICTP has been a hub of activity over the last three days with the Science Picnic and the MiniMakerFaire.

I would like to thank all Staff members for their support in the organisation and in particular Enrique Canessa and Carlo Fonda for successfully coordinating the two events. A special thanks goes to all the volunteers including the scientists for their dedication and time.

This is the first time ICTP has organized a Science Picnic for schools, and despite there being a teachers strike, we still had over 2000 school children participate on Friday.

At the weekend, for the MiniMakerFaire, the 3rd in the series, more than 16,000 people attended, similar to last years figure, and ample space allowed for a larger number of scientific experiments and presentations.

Over the 3 day period, the InfoPoint sold a high number of items, amounting to over 1800 Euros.
The Food for Hunger stand made an astonishing 2180 Euros to be donated to the charity "Fondazione Luchetta Ota D'Angelo Hrovatin" ( Again, thank you for all your contributions.

As also shown by the past few years this was an excellent example of team work from the whole ICTP community and I would like to reiterate my wholehearted thanks to all of you.

Best regards,
Fernando Quevedo