Join ICTP and other Trieste science institutes this weekend in Piazza Unita for a variety of attractions related to this year's TriesteNext science festival theme: energy.

26 - 28 September

ICTP will be cooking with the sun using a solar cooker! Daniel Egbe, coordinator of the African Network for Solar Energy (ANSOLE), will be present to demonstrate how the sun's power can be used in very practical (and delicious!) ways.

--Day: Friday, 26 September
--Time: 09:00 - 22:00
--Place: Piazza Unita, Trieste

On Saturday, ICTP is organizing a roundtable on The Impact of New Energy Sources in Developing Countries. Energy expert Walter Mérida, a Guatemalan native and director of the Clean Energy Research Centre at the University of British Columbia, Canada, will lead a roundtable discussion on how energy choices have global consequences on the innovation of new, renewable technologies.

--Day: Saturday, 27 September
--Time: 10:00
--Place: Magazzino delle Idee, Trieste
--Panellists: Daniel Egbe, Filippo Giorgi
--Moderator: Marco Fratoddi, managing editor, "La Nuova Ecologia"

Throughout TriesteNext: Crystalli! A preview of an exhibit that ICTP is co-sponsoring with several local institutes in honour of the International Year of Crystallography. Location: Sala Veruda.

All events are free and open to the public!