
Zero-impact energy

Dear Colleagues and Friends,
today at 17:00 p.m.
Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori - via Filzi, 14 - Trieste

TWAS is organizing a public meeting (through videoconference)
with three scientists from Mexico, China and Costa Rica.

Join us for this event
or follow a live stream here: http://bit.ly/1Dxhojv

Myriam Amezcua Allieri from Mexico,
 Bao Xinhe from China and Carlos Meza-Benavides (locally)
will explain what are the EnergETHIC policies of their countries,
and will illustrate what is their involvement as scientists in EnergETHIC problems.

Journalist Alessandra Ressa will chair the event.

You are most welcome to attend.
Cristina Serra
Public Information Office

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) – 
for the advancement of science in developing countries
Enrico Fermi Building 
Via Beirut 6 
34151 Trieste, Italy

Ph. +39 040 2240429
Mobile 338 4305210
Email cserra@twas.org
Twitter @serracri