WHAT'S ON THIS WEEKEND 31st October - 3rd November 2013
Photography exhibit at STUDIO TOMMASEO (via del Monte 2/1, close to Corso Italia) by outstanding eclectic Polish artist, writer, photographer, philosopher, poet Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (1885-1939) with portraits of Arthur Rubenstein and the great Polish anthropologist Bonislaw Malinowski. Open until 18/12. For info: www.triestecontemporanea.it/pagina.php?id_p=17&l=e&id_m=1
Art show VII Salone d'Autunno dell'Arte Triestina (the Autumn Salon of Triestine Art) at LUX Art Gallery in via Rittmeyer 7 with many contemporary Triestine artists. Open until 16/11, on Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri-Sat, from 17.00-20.00.
At the MIB SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT of Trieste in Largo Caduti di Nassiriya, 1, Ferdinandeo), solo show "La buona novella" (Good news) by artist Patrizia Bigarella with paintings, sculptures and engravings of extraordinary quality. Open until 12 November. Guided tours by the artist on Mondays and Tuesdays from 16.30 until 19.00. For info call: 3335736710. To get there, take bus 25 from Piazza Goldoni.
Movie: Maksimovic. La storia di Bruno Pontecorvo
On Sat. 2 November at 18.30 at Teatro Miela (Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi, close to the railway station) film in Italian on "Maksimovic. La storia di Bruno Pontecorvo" written by G. Mussardo (SISSA) and L. Bonolis and directed by D. Cenetiempo. The film has been co-produced by ICTP. There will be a brief introduction by ICTP Director F. Quevedo and SISSA Director G. Martinelli. Entrance is free and everybody is welcome to attend.
On 1st September 1950 at the dawn of the Cold War, famous Italian physicist Bruno Pontecorvo and his family mysteriously disappeared behind the Iron Curtain. This is one of the mysteries related to the atomic era. With his exceptional theoretical intuitions, which went hand in hand with his brilliant qualities as an experimental physicist, Bruno Pontecorvo is the scientist that, more than anyone else, has entered the secrets of the most elusive and enigmatic particle of our universe, the neutrino. TRAILER: https://vimeo.com/63566355
“Trieste Science+Fiction” Film Festival at Teatro Tripcovich & Teatro Miela - until 3 November
At Teatro Tripcovich on Thurs 31/10 at 20.00 : Big Ass Spider; at 22.15: Frankenstein's Army. Halloween Party from 23.30 at Teatro Miela (close to teatro Tripcovich) have fun together with people clad in zombie, robot , mutant, alien, vampire costumes.
On Fri 1/11 at the Magazzino delle Idee (close to Teatro Tripcovich), talk by ICTP's Carlo Fonda at midday, entitled" Dai Bit agli Atomi" re 3 D printing. At 15.00 screening of film "The Returned"; at 17.30 film "Europa Report"; at 20.00 "Painless" and at 22.15 "The strange colour of your body's tears": and so much more, until Sun 3/11.!
See the program: www. sciencefictionfestival.org/wp-content/uploads/TS+F13_programma_web.pdf
Each film: Euro 5/head; Daily ticket: Euro 10/head.
Symphony Music at Teatro Verdi
Japanese conductor Hirofumi Yoshida will perform at Teatro Verdi tomorrow at 20.30 and on 2/11 at 15.30 directing pieces by Schumann and Brahms. www.vivaticket.it/index.php?nvpg[sell]&cmd=tabellaPrezzi&pcode=131031a&tcode=nvef0086&wms_op=plannify or call 800 090373
Classical Music at the Lutheran Church
Tonite at 20.30, classical concert at the Lutheran Church (behind the main post office downtown) with flute, theorbo and harpsichord musicians playing pieces by Bach, Telemann, de Visee. Free entry.
Antique furniture market "Trieste Antiqua" at the Stazione Marittima
Antique lovers will have their fill of top-class antiques, paintings, furniture, jewellery, clocks and much more from Sat. 2/11 at the Stazione Marittima (after Piazza Unita'), all the items are on sale. There are 36 Italian and foreign exhibitors and it will be open until 10/11 over the weekends from 10.00 - 20.00 and during the week only in the afternoons, from 15.00-20.00. Tickets cost euro 9/head, for info see www.triesteantiqua.it
Halloween parties tonite in many places in Trieste : At Grignano's restaurant "Principe", downtown at Macaki (Viale XX settembre) with the Harem Scarem rock band from Canada, at Molo IV, at Teatro Miela, at Caffe' Audace in Piazza unita', at Benningan's Pub and in many other places where you can dress up in appropriate fancy zombie dresses.
Today LAST DAY to sign up at the British Film Club: 9 movies this season
This season the British Film Club offers nine films with the original English sound-track, to be shown at the Ariston Cinema, Viale Romolo Gessi 14 (Buses 8 & 15 from Roiano or the train station).
Membership cards are available at the Alpha Studio Travel Agency, in Via San Nicolò 19 (first floor – above the Swatch shop, opposite Bar Ferrari), until Thursday 31st October 2013 from 10.00 - 12.00 / 16.00 to 18.00. The annual subscription fee is only €25 and entitles you to see nine feature films at the Ariston, and also to borrow books and choose from a good collection of DVDs (including the best of British TV) free of charge from the club-room in Via dei Crociferi 3 (ground floor). For weekly conversations/discussions in English, the venue this year is an area in Via Roma 9 (4th floor), courtesy of the Federazione Italiana Tabaccai. For more info: www.britishfilmclubtrieste.it
Trieste has three municipal swimming pools (piscine) open to the public as follows:
Bianchi, in Passeggio S. Andrea, 8. Open Mon to Fri 9.00-22.00; Sat 9.00-15.00/Sun & hols 9.00-13.00. Ticket: euro 4,50/head - Take bus 8 from Roiano or nr 9 from the train station. For info call: 040 306024.
San Giovanni, in via S. Cilino 42/1. Open to the public Mon-Fri 6.30-15.00/20.00-22.00; Sat 7.30-15.00/Sun & hols 7.30-13.00; Ticket: euro 4,70/head. Take bus 6 from Grignano or train station or bus 35 from Piazza Oberdan.www.piscinadisangiovanni.com - tel 040566492
Altura, in via Alpi Giulie 2/1. Open Mon-Wed-Thur 7.00-15.00/20.30-22.30; Tue & Fri 7.00-16.00/21.00-22.30 Sat: 7.00-18.00/Sun 9.00-16.00. Ticket: euro 2,90/head - Bus 8 from Roiano or nr 9 from the train station. Take buses 37 or 48 from Largo Barriera. For info call: 0408321215
Check all the bus schedules: www.triestetrasporti.it/index.php?linee-e-orari
Learn how to stitch clothes, bags or make jewellery at the Studiocinque e altro Co.
They have courses lasting two days each for a limited number of participants (5). Cost per course: euro 50/head. For info call: Studiocinque in Viale D'Annunzio, 4 - Trieste. Tel. 040775379, from Tue - Sat: 10-13/16-19 ; www.studiocinqueealtro.com
Latin American dancing at Paradiso
Every Friday from 22.00 at Dancing "Paradiso" in via De Franceschi, 3, Trieste, lovers of latin american music and Caribbean rhythms can go dancing. Free entrance. Take bus 20 or 21 from the central train station. Check the bus schedules: www.triestetrasporti.it/index.php?linee-e-orari
City Sight-Seeing tour by bus (like the red London buses), lasts for one hour, departing from downtown at the Stazione Marittima (close to Piazza Unita') but you can board the bus at GRIGNANO. Tickets last for 48 hours and there are 3 tours in the mornings (from 10.00 -12.00) and 3 in the afternoons (from 14.00 -16.00), Ticket costs: Euro 18/head; children Euro 9/head. Ring tel: 393 9172656 to inform that you will board the bus at Grignano. For info: www.trieste.city-sightseeing.it
Guided tour of Trieste
The Friuli Venezia Giulia TOURIST POINT located in the corner of Piazza Unità (via dell'Orologio,1) organizes guided walking tours (in Italian and English) every day at 10:30. Each tour lasts 2 hours and costs 7 Euro/head. There is also the possibility of visiting the city by yourself with an audio-guide that you may rent there for Euro 4. Open every day from 9.00 - 18.00/ Sundays: 9:00 - 13:00. For more info, call the FVG Tourist Info Point: 040 3478312 or check: http://www.turismofvg.it
City Sight-Seeing tour by bus (like the red London buses), lasts for one hour, departing from downtown at the Stazione Marittima (close to Piazza Unita') but you can board the bus at GRIGNANO. Tickets last for 48 hours and there are 3 tours in the mornings (from 10.00 -12.00) and 3 in the afternoons (from 14.00 -16.00), Ticket costs: Euro 18/head; children Euro 9/head. Ring tel: 393 9172656 to inform that you will board the bus at Grignano. For info: www.trieste.city-sightseeing.it
The Miramare Castle, the former dwelling of the brother of Emperor Franz Josef, Maximilian and his wife Carlotta, is really close to the ICTP and is open every day - except on Monday mornings - from 9.00 to 18.30. Entrance to the surrounding park is free (8.00 - 19.00). The location and the lovely decor and furnishings, paintings, rooms full of history, are not to be missed. For more info: www.castello-miramare.it – Tel. 040 224143. Entrance Euro 4/head.
The Natural Reserve of Miramare, WWF, is located in a building inside the park of Miramare and is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 16:00. Entrance costs Euro 2,50/head. www.riservamarinamiramare.it/
The Duino Castle is one of the most attractive castles in Europe and is still the official residence of the Torre e Tasso royal family. From its cliff top location it overlooks a small fishing village and is surrounded by extensive gardens. Inside, you can see the furnishings, pictures, books and mementoes collected over centuries, visit its beautiful park and the World War 2 bunker. Visiting time 9:30 - 17:30. Always closed on Tuesdays. Take bus 51 (the airport bus) after the Miramare tunnel. To arrange a guided tour, call 040.208120. Ticket price for ICTP visitors: Euro 5. Extra visit of the "Old Castle" and the Dama Bianca rock costs Euro 2. For more info: www.castellodiduino.it - tel. 040 208120.
The San Giusto Castle, built between 1470 and 1630, the castle rises up from the hill in the heart of the old city. You can enjoy a full view of Trieste, visit the museum, the armoury and the lapidario tergestino. Outside the castle walls lies the cathedral built in the 14th century and in the surroundings, the remains of the ancient Roman city dating back to the first and second century. Take bus nr. 24 from the railway station Ticket: euro 4/each. Visiting times: 9:00 – 19:00. Check website www.retecivica.it
The Civico Museo SARTORIO is a villa that once belonged to the Sartorio dynasty originally from Sanremo. A branch of the family moved in 1775 to Trieste as part of its business expansion. Pietro Sartorio here with his family and bought the house, previously owned by the merchant family Faraon, originally from Alexandria of Egypt. The last heir of the Sartorio family, Baroness Anna Segrè Sartorio, left the villa and all its furniture to Trieste's city council with the explicit wish to make it a public museum.
The villa was used by the Allies, as their headquarter after WW2, as can be seen by the marks on the tiles and walls where the telephone and electric leads were brought through. Besides the villa itself being a very interesting building architecturally, it contains drawings of famous XVII century artists Giambattista Tiepolo. Open Tue-Sun from 10.00 - 18.00. Entrance ticket: euro 6.
The Giant Cave - Grotta Gigante is considered the largest tourist cave in the world, situated in the Karst half an hour from the city centre. An exclusive feature of the cave is the horizontal pendulum, constructed by university researchers in order to calculate the slightest movements of the earth's crust. Visiting times every hour: 10:00 - 18:00. Each visit lasts one hour. Entrance ticket: Euro 11/each. For groups of over 15 persons: Euro 5/head. Take bus 42 from Piazza Oberdan and get off at Borgo Grotta, Sgonico – proceed by foot for 5 minutes – follow road sign for Grotta Gigante. Wear comfortable shoes, no heels. Check website: www.grottagigante.it
San Marco Cafe' (Via Battisti 13), the historic Viennese-style coffee house has just re-opened after renovations. First opened in January 1914, when Trieste was still part of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the San Marco became popular among students and intellectuals. The original art deco' furniture is still there and it is a place where famous writer Claudio Magris usually likes to hang out. Now its new owners offer a great deal of new services to its customers, like a new book counter, kosher meals, aperitifs, tapas, meze, tourist menus and traditional meals. Besides all this, the important cultural activities held in the past will continue in the future with a broad range of programmes and initiatives.
The most typical & genuine Triestine Buffet in town is "Da Pepi", in via Cassa di Risparmio nr 3, where one can have excellent ham rolls at the counter or enjoy the special house dish: a variety of ham and meats served with sauerkraut and freshly grated horseradish. Good selection of wines and beers. Reviewed by the New York Times as the best in the Region.
Two traditional pastry shops, dating back to 1850, decorated in "Liberty " style are "La Bomboniera" in via XXX Ottobre (near Piazza San Antonio) with its delicious pastries and coffee served in a cosy environment and "Pasticceria Pirona" in Largo Barriera 12, where James Joyce used to be a customer. Pirona won a prize for the best hot chocolate in Italy.
ICTP's Administration takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information.