WHAT'S ON THIS WEEKEND                   20 - 22  September  2013

NEAR and TRIESTE NEXT events, next week 27-29 September 2013


These two upcoming major events will be held downtown next week from 27-29 September.

NEAR - Notte dei ricercatori (Researchers' Night) will take place only on Friday 27th September 2013 (9.00 - 23.00) and it will be held at the same time as another event called Trieste NEXT, the Salon for European scientific research which will be focussed on everything concerning water. It is entitled WATERWISE.  NEXT will carry on during the weekend, on Saturday 28/9 and Sunday 29/9, (Fri. & Sat.  10.00 - 23.00, Sun. 10.00 - 19.00).

Both events will take place in Piazza Unita', Piazza Verdi, Magazzino delle idee, Piazza Piccola and other neighbouring areas.



Only on Friday 27/9, ICTP will have a stand in Piazza Unita' all day long, with talks by our scientists, 3D printing demos by Carlo Fonda's group, guided tours for schools, concert by Joe Niemela at 22.00, ping pong tables for on-the-spot tournaments, a photo exhibit with portraits of researchers around the world in Sala Veruda, etc. ICTP will also present a video on "Seminando scienza. Trieste nel cuore dell'Africa" at the Magazzino delle idee.

For Info: www.near-nottedeiricercatori.it



Continues until Sunday 29/9 and will host scientists, experts, lecturers and many other professionals to inform you about everything you'd like to know about water: building a naval park in Trieste, the amount of water in our bodies, in our food, the grottos, seafood, fossils. Moreover, it will offer guided tours, art installations, a fashion show, exhibits, videos on the giant grotta, plays, music and much, much more. For info: www.triestenext.it


Art Exhibitions

Last two days showing at Palazzo Costanzi behind Piazza Unita', art show "Pop art in Trieste, Steve Kaufman, the former assistant of Andy Warhol". Open until 21/9; from 10.00-13.00/17.00-20.00. Free admission.


At the Salone degli Incanti (former Fisherman's market, after Piazza Unità) exhibit by famous artist Jannis Kounellis with one large installation. The show will be open until 6 January 2014, Mon - Fri 11-13/17-20 and Sat, Sun, hols 10-20. Ticket euro 6/head.


Music & apertif in Duino

On Sunday at 11.00 in the auditorium of the United World College in Duino you may  listen to the TRIO SANDOR's concert organized by the International Chamber music Academy and by the College. Free entrance and toast.


Cycling rendezvous downtown tomorrow

Tomorow at 14.30 cyclists can join in the "Bicincitta'" event, meeting point in Largo Barriera with a great cycling route around town, reaching Servola for a snack and back. Sign up (euro 5/head)  tomorrow in Largo barriera. For info, call 040639382


Operetta at Caffe' degli Specchi


Tomorrow, Sat. 21/9, at 18.00 at Caffe' degli Specchi (Piazza Unita'), enjoy your drink while listening to a concert by Andrea Binetti and soprano Marianna Prizzon


Latin American dancing at Paradiso

Every Friday from 22.00 at Dancing "Paradiso" in via De Franceschi, 3, Trieste, lovers of latin american music and Caribbean rhythms can go dancing. Free entrance. Take bus 20 or 21 from the central train station. Check the bus schedules: www.triestetrasporti.it/index.php?linee-e-orari



GUIDED TOUR OF TRIESTE every day at 10.30 a.m.: A 2 hours guided walking tour through the main sites and monuments of Trieste. The tour is in Italian and English and costs euro 7/pers. Book your tour by calling the FVG Tourist Office in via dell' Orologio 1 (on the corner of Piazza Unità): 040 3478312.



The Val Rosandra Valley encloses a remarkable natural environment which reveals its true beauty in autumn. It is situated half an hour by bus from the city centre. There are several hiking routes from easy to not so easy, an old railway station that once connected Trieste to Vienna in the past centuries, now converted into a cycling path. There is a stream, a Roman aqueduct, a restaurant and rock climbers enoy training there.

See: www.turismofvg.it/Parks-and-natural-reserves/Val-Rosandra-Reserve

Take bus 40 from the train station (it goes to Dolina) and get off in strada della Rosandra.


The Revoltella Modern Art Museum is located downtown; it was founded in Trieste in 1872 by Baron Pasquale Revoltella who left his house to the city (located in Piazza Venezia) after he passed away. It still displays all the art works, furniture and books of his time. The main building was built in 1858, designed by Friedrich Hitzig and later on, in 1907 the City acquired the Brunner Building located nearby in order to expand the original collection. This building has been completely utilized only since 1963, following its restructuring of Carlo Scarpa. Its entrance is from Via Diaz 27. It has a remarkable collection of modern art (1860 to 1970), baroque art and 1700s and 1800s furniture, located in a superb environment. Not to be missed! COpen from 10:00 - 19:00, closed on Tuesdays.


Visit the Oriental Art Museum in Palazzetto Leo in via San Sebastiano, 1 (near Piazza Unita') there are many oriental items, paintings, furniture, porcelains that have been collected by our seafaring ancestors here in Trieste.  It is open every day, from 9.00 - 19.00.  For more info see: www.muuseoarteorientaletrieste.it. Ticket: 4 Euro/person.


Risiera di San Sabba is a former rice-husking facility that was built in 1913. After September 8, 1943, the Nazi occupation forces used the premises as prison camp, headquarters where deported prisoners were sorted out to be sent to Germany and Poland, raided goods depot, prison and extermination camp for hostages, partisans, political and Jewish prisoners. On April 4, 1944 a crematory plant was installed and made operative. In 1965, a decree issued by the President of the Republic raised the “Risiera di San Sabba” to the status of National Monument. Free entry. Open daily from 9.00 - 19.00. Take bus 8 from the train station. For more info see :

 www.retecivica.trieste.it/triestecultura/new/musei/risiera_san_sabba/brochure/Risiera inglese per e-brochure.pdf




The Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information.  Have a nice weekend!