WHAT'S ON THIS WEEKEND            29 November - 2 December 2012


At the Adriatico Guest House on Friday 30/11 at 18:30 opening of the art exhibition by the Art Forum of Styria with Claudia Fallosch, Renée Pilecky, Anton S. Frick, Gerhard Pilz and Igor Skale. In these works, the Austrian artists emphasize the unique role of the spirit and emotions in science and the importance of creative thinking that covers a wide spectrum of fields/thoughts/actions/works being an essential tool towards awareness and open-mindedness. Organized by the Italian-Austrian Association of Trieste. The opening will be followed by refreshments. Ongoing until 15/12 with opening hours: Mon-Fri 10-19. Everybody is welcome.


Visit the VI Edition of the "Salone d'autunno dell'arte triestina", at the Art&Space showroom in Via San Nicolo' 4. An exciting collection of contemporary Triestine artists.  Ongoing until 9/12, from Tuesday to Saturday from 17.00 to 20.00. For further info: 333 8345924.


"Un tempo pieno di attese" (A Time full of Expectations). A Photography exhibit by Jan Lukas with shots taken in 1965 while he was a political refugee at the Risiera di San Sabba, in Via Palatucci 5. Extended until 6/1/13, from 9.00 to 19.00. The Former Nazi lager of Risiera San Sabba during WWII was a foreign refugee camp from 1949 to 1965, hosting almost 1500 persons/day in their quest for freedom who had crossed the Italian border illegally from Ex Jugoslavia, Russia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Albania. For info: Tel. 040 826202.  Free admission.


“1912-2012 100 ANNI DI SINAGOGA A TRIESTE. CARLO MORPURGO, LA TRAGEDIA DI UN UOMO ONESTO" (1912-2012 One hundred years with Trieste’s synagogue. Carlo Morpurgo, the tragedy of an honest man) at the Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner" (Via del Monte 5-7).Ongoing until 30/11, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: 10.00 - 13.00; Tuesdays & Thursdays: 16.00 - 19.00. Admission: 5€.  For more info: 040 633819


"Colei che sola a me par donna". Women in humanist literature and daily life. At the Museo Petrarchesco Piccolomineo (Via Madonna del Mare 13, c/o Biblioteca Civica Attilio Hortis) - Ongoing until 5/1/2013 - Open Mondays - Saturdays: 9.00-13.00; on Thursdays 15-19. The exhibition outlines the relationship between the female ideal described in humanist literature, according to Francesco Petrarca, and the effective condition of women in those times (1300-1400). Entrance: free. For info: 040-6758184


“FOTO-GRAFISMI” at the Anfiteatro of the Magazzino delle Idee (Corso Cavour): Photography exhibition by Maaike Putman. Ongoing until 30/11 as follows: Mondays & Thursdays: 10.00 - 13.00/ 15.00 - 17.00;  Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 10.00- 13.00; Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays: 10.00 - 20.00. Free admission.





The Museo Ferroviario (Railway Museum) in Campo Marzio will be exceptionally open on Saturday 1/12 from 9.00 to 18.00. The exhibition will be dedicated to model making. Tickets: Euro 5, reduced Euro 3 (6 to 16 years). Entrance in Via Giulio Cesare 1. Bus nr. 8 (last stop on the Rive, waterfront downtown). Nice visit for children!

For more info: http://www.museoferroviariotrieste.it/



At the Jewish Museum "Carlo e Vera Wagner" (Via del Monte 5-7) Wunderkammer organizes a solo concert by Paolo Zanzu: "The wandering Harpsichord". Music by Salomone Rossi, Luzzasco Luzzaschi, Girolamo Frescobaldi and Ercole Pasquini. Free entrance. For more info: 040 633819


At the Verdi Theatre (Piazza Verdi) on 1/12 at 17.00; 4/12 and  6/12 at 20.30: "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" (The Barber of Seville), an opera buffa in two acts based on the libretto by Cesare Sterbini, music by Gioacchino Rossini. This is one of the greatest masterpieces of musical comedy. The premiere took place on 20 February 1816 at the Teatro Argentina in Rome and was a disastrous failure. However, the second performance was a roaring success and even after two hundred years, its popularity attests its greatness.  The orchestra is directed by Maestro Corrado Rovaris and the chorus by Maestro Paolo Vero. Tickets from euro 10. For Info and tickets: http://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com or call toll-free number 800.09.03.73 Mon - Sat : 9.00 -  21.00.



Saturday 1/12 at 21.00: concert by the legendary Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson "Thick as a Brick 1 & 2 - Whatever happened to Gerard Bostock?" at Palasport Chiarbola, Via Visinada 3. Tickets from euro 35. Presale: www.azalea.it or TicketPoint Trieste in Corso Italia 6 (040-3498276)




" Fiabe al cioccolato" (Chocolate tales) at the Fabbri Theatre (Via dei Fabbri 2, close to Piazza Hortis) tales and hot chocolate for children. On Sunday 2/12 at 15.30 and 17.00: “Stories of chocolate”. Admission: Euro 5.00. For info: call Teatro Orazio Bobbio (Via del Ghirlandaio 12): 040 948472/390613.


At the Biblioteca Stelio Mattioni (Stelio Mattioni Library) in Via Laura e Silvano Petracco, 10 (Borgo S. Sergio). The exhibit "I musicanti di Brema - Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten" ("the Town Musicians of Bremen" ). On display, the original illustrations of the renowned book by the Grimm Brothers replicated by illustrator Claudia Palmarucci. Ongoing until 5/1/13 with the following schedule: Mon.- Wed. –Fri. from 16.00 -  19.00; Tues. -Thurs. -Sat  from 9.00 - 12.00. Bus nr. 21 or 48. For more info: 040 823893.




From 01/12 to 8/12 the San Nicolo' Fair  in Viale XX Settembre, from 8.00 to 23.00: traditional market with all types of objects, foodstuff, candies, books and Christmas decorations.


On 2/12:  XI Edition of the "Fiera del Disco usato" ("Second hand & Collectible records/CD/DVD market") at Palasport Chiarbola in Via Visinada 3. There will be more than 60 exhibitors coming from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Switzerland, Hungary and Germany. You'll be able to buy, sell or exchange LPs, CDs, DVDs, musicassettes, memorabilia, books, music magazines and posters! Open from 10.00 to 19.00. Admission Euro 4.


In Piazza Ponterosso  an Ice Rink will be set from 30/11 to 6/1/13! Lot of fun for everyone, both adults and children!!!


Watch over two hundred 20th century historical videos on Trieste, gathered by the Luce  Institute (set up in 1924) now available on line.




OUTSIDE TRIESTE -  Karsolina Tours

Guided tours to discover the local natural and cultural beauties of the Karst Region and have a taste of  its food&wine!

You can choose amongst three different kind of tours. The meeting point is at Borgo Grotta Gigante-parking place (bus nr. 42 from Piazza Oberdan) at 10.a.m. every weekend until 30/11/12, departure by minibus (min. 5 pax). Click on www.karsolina.eu for more info. Registration fee from euro 45


"Festa di S.Andrea: Food & Wine events at Gorizia from 1/12 to 3/12 along the principal streets & squares of the City Centre.




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