
WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK 1 - 4 December 2011


Today, the Association FuturoDonna presents "India's charm" at 18:00, an interesting reportage with a video projection and photos taken in India by one of the Association's members, colleague Ave Lusenti, who travels there often. Before the film, there will be a brief presentation of the works of two Indian NGOs. Venue: Centro Interprovinciale Servizi Volontariato FVG, Galleria Fenice 2, 3rd floor.


Today at 18:00, inauguration of "Cormons Libri 2011"  the annual Book and News Festival held in the nearby city of Cormons in the Province of Gorizia with over 6000 visitors every year from all over Italy. This year's theme is " Necessary Happiness". There will be book presentations, special talks with famous writers, journalists and artists, poetry recital and other side events. The event is ongoing until 15 Dec with the folowing timings: Mon - Fri 16:30 - 20:00 and Sat - Sun + 8 Dec 10:30 -12:30 / 15:00 - 20:00. Venue at the Sala Italia in via Friuli. Check complete programme at http://www.girofvg.com/26643/cormons-libri-2011.html

"Animali Speciali" (special animals) by famous Italian cartoonist Altan
at Palazzo Costanzi, sala V. Veruda (close to the Trieste municipality - piazza Unità). Timings 10:00 - 13:00 / 17:00 - 20:00.  Ongoing until 18 Dec

Imaginario Scientifico multimedia show "Altromare"
ongoing until 27 may 2012. The Immaginario Science Centre is located in Grignano (under the Adriatico Guesthouse). The show will take you to the ocean's abysses, underwater volcanoes, coral reefs and tropical islands. The exhibition is open every Sunday from 10:00 - 20:00. Furthermore there are workshops for children. Reduced entrance ticket for ICTP scientists and staff:  euro 4. For more info check website: http://www.immaginarioscientifico.it/grignano_museo at the Science Centre

a solo exhibition with paintings, photographs and burqas by Qing Yue, at the Sala Comunale Art Gallery in Piazza Unità 4. The show is open every day until 11 December, from 10:00-13:00 and 17:00-20:00. For more info:


Concerts at the Lutheran Church in Largo Panfili:

Friday 2 Dec at 20:30, "Choir music with the Cantus Ensemble. Tel 040 366837. Free

Sunday 4 Dec at 17:00: Chorus "Renato Portelli" and orchestra "The Armed Man (A Mass for Peace)", directed by Fabio Pettarin. Ticket euro 10.


Mozart's Requiem at the Santa Caterina da Siena Church in via dei Mille 18, on Sun 4 Dec at 0.55 with the Città di Trieste Choir and the Opera Giocosa Orchestra of the FVG directed by maestro Severino Zannerini. Free entrance.

Tartini Music Conservatory every Monday, "Music and words",
lectures and music on different topics. This coming Monday, 5 Dec at 18:00: L'improvvisazione: talento, memoria, studio, errore (improvisation: talent, memory, study error), book presentation of musician Giancarlo Schiaffini E non chiamatelo jazz” (and don't call it jazz). For further info, check:  http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it/artistica/altri-appuntamenti/pentagramma. The Conservatory is situated in via Ghega 12, close to the Central Train Station. You must book your place by calling the Conservatory the day before preferably on Tuesday morning (tel: 040 6724911). Please be there 15 minutes before the show. See: http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it


Today S/paesati at the Miela Theatre: Two documentaries, "Revolutionary Mind" on the scientist and virologist Ilaria Capua at 18:00, followed at 19:30 "Angels on Death Row - The Ebrahim Hamidi's Case" and a film at 20:30 "Le fil" by Mehdi Ben Attia (French, Belgian-Tunisian co-production) See more http://miela.it


Today at 21:00, 32 short films on the life of Canadian pianist Glenn Gould at the Spazio Metrokubo in via dei Capitelli 65/b, tel: 040 630301

Revoltella Museum Films  (in via Diaz 27):
Film projections in collaboration with La Cappella Underground. "Art & Cinema" Friday 2 Dec the film "Exit through the Gift Shop" (2010) by Bansky, nomination for the 2011 Oscar awards, based on the story of artists involved in Street Art. Sun 4 Dec:  Free Film projection "Elisabeth e altre storie di Mira (mare)" (Elisabeth, the dolphin and other stories) organized by the Area Marina Protetta di Miramare and WWF on Sun 4 Dec starting at 14:00 with special emphasis on marine life in the Gulf of Trieste and sea watching at the Auditorium. There will also be a kid’s corner with special workshops on Marine Life. Check all info http://www.museorevoltella.it, tel 040 6754350

A series film projections dedicated to crime stories at the Goethe Institute in via Beccaria 6, every Tuesday until 6 December, film screenings at 11:00 and 19:30 in original language, free entrance.


"Natale con il Barone" (X'mas with the Baron) at the Revoltella Museum in via Diaz 27 (take bus 8) on Sat 3 Dec at 19:00 and 20:30 and on Sunday 4 Dec at 11:00, 16:00 and 17:30. Guided tours (in Italian) of the Revoltella Museum's historic private apartments in a typical Xmas atmosphere in the company of two professional actors, playing the role of Baron Revoltella and his friend. You will be invited for a coffee while listening to the adventurous stories of the Baron's journey to Egypt (as he was one of the most important financial promoters and donators for the construction of the Suez Canal).  Advance booking is necessary as there are only 35 places available for each tour. Ticket costs euro 10. You may also visit the Contemporary Art section of the museum. There will be a replica on Thurs 22 Dec, Friday 23, Thursday 29 and Fri. 30 Dec at 19:00 and 20:30. Booking at 040 6754350 or write to biglietteria@comune.trieste.it

Guided tours
at the Botanic Gardens in via Marchesetti every Saturday from 10:00 - 12:00 and ongoing until 17 Dec to visit the geopaleontological section with an expert on Carsic rocks and fossils and see the full-size prototype of the Antonio Dinosaur (Tethyshadros insularis) discovered at the Villaggio del Pescatore site. Tel 040 360068 http://retecivica.trieste.it



Today at 18:00: "Caffè delle Scienze", organized by the Univerisity of Trieste Science department with interesting talks on scientific topics held at the Antico Caffè San Marco in via Battisti: "Vita nelle spazio" (life in space) by Giorgio Manzini and "interfacce cervello-computer, è possibile leggere il pensiero?" (Interface brain -computer; is it possible to read the mind?) with Joanna Jarmolowska.


Miela Theatre conference on Friday 2 Dec from 14:00 - 19:30: "Democracy, rights and migration between Africa, the Middle East and Europe - the Arab Spring and the changes relevant to migration politics in the European Union, the talks will be given by law experts, human rights watchers and researchers. At 21:00 there will be a show  "Azade - la rivoluzione ai tempi di Internet" (the revolution and the role of the internet). Entrance euro 10 (under 24 pay euro 7). Check http://www.miela.it


Today at 17:30: "Miramare d'Autunno" (autumn in Miramare), interesting talks on art and architecture in Trieste from 1800 to 1900 at the Miramare Castle in the Sala dei Gabbiani, today presentation of a new book curated by Franco Firmiani and Flavio Tosi on Cesare dell' Acqua, whose numerous works were commissioned by the Archduke Maximilian and exhibited at the Miramare Castle.


Theatre for children (in Italian) at the Teatro Orazio Bobbio (ex- Contrada) on Sunday 4 Dec at 11:00 (children aged 5 - 11): "Il Principe Felice" (the happy prince) check programme for Dec at http://www.contradateatroragazzi.it/calendari/ti-racconto-una-fiaba-20112012


Guided tours at the Botanic Gardens in via Marchesetti every Saturday from 10:00 - 12:00 and ongoing until 17 Dec to visit the geopaleontological section with an expert on Carsic rocks and fossils and see the full-size prototype of the Antonio Dinosaur (Tethyshadros insularis) discovered at the Villaggio del Pescatore site. Tel 040 360068 http://retecivica.trieste.it


"Gioco che Passione" every Sunday at the Stazione Rogers (Riva Grumula 14), there are interesting talks (in Italian) held at 11:00 on a wide range of topics and issues ranging form philosophy, to aesthetics and Science. This Sunday 4 Dec "Giocare con la Belezza" with Caludio Crismani and his musical games and a talk on Francis Bacon by Rado Strukelj.



"Fiera di San Nicolo' "from 2 - 8 December - location: viale XX Settembre

"Gesti &Sapori" from 2 - 18 Dec in the Piazza della Borsa and surroundings and Cavana district.



"Manciù, l'Ultimo Imperatore" (Manchu, the last emperor) in Treviso at the Casa dei Carraresi Museum in via Palestro 33/35. Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 - 19:00 and Sun - Sat 9:00 - 20:00. A full collection of items, jewellery, clothing, portraits of the 12 emperors of the Manchu dynasty, paintings by the Chinese artist Jaiang Guofan. Tel: 0422 513150.  http://www.laviadellaseta.info/. The exhibition is ongoing until 13 May 2012


Last days: "Il Giovane Tiepolo, alla scoperta della Luce”, at the Castle of Udine, ongoing until Dec 4, Tues - Sun 10:30 - 17:00. 33 works by Tiepolo in his early period before his stay in Udine in 1726. Entrance euro 8. euro 10 for a combined entrance to the Museo Diocesano where you can admire more works and frescoes by the artist. Check: http://www.udinecultura.it


Villa Manin di Passariano in the Province of Udine

"Espressionismo" at Villa Manin di Passariano in the Province of Udine ongoing until 5 March 2012 with 100 works from the Brücke Museum of Berlin. Works by Kirchner, Heckel, Nolde, Schimdt-Rottluff, Pechstein and Mueller representing the 1905 "Die Brücker " movement in Dresden, forerunner of the expressionist movement. Check programme: http://www.lineadombra.it. Entrance ticket euro 10. Take train to Udine then local buses to Passariano.


Check the interactive map of the FVG tourist board for all destinations, museums, archaeological sites, tours, sports and much more:



Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information. Check website: http://portal.ictp.it/infopoint

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