
WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK 24 - 27 November 2011


Closing Event at the Contemporary Art Exhibition "BIENNALE DIFFUSA" on Sunday 27 Nov with the following programme:  At 13:00, free "Rebechin" (snacks and refreshments), followed by a musical walk of the Biennale exhibition accompanied by Stefano Casaccia (flute) Marianna Prizzon (soprano) and Manuel Tomadin (harpsichord). At 16:00 there will be an auction sale of the works exhibited on the third floor. Following that, an extraordinary bonfire performance that will take place outside the main entrance with the work of artist Giordano Floreancig "Patatrac" set on fire by famous curator and art critic Vittorio Sgarbi to mark the end of this year's edition, accompanied by the Brazilian rhythms of the Banda Berimbau percussionists. You can still visit the exhibition located at the Magazzino 26 these last days, open from 10-20 hrs.. Take bus nr 6 and stop in Viale Miramare at the bus stop right after the main entrance of the show, ask the driver in case. It takes a 5-minute walk to reach the building, Magazzino 26. Entrance tickets for ICTP scientists, visitors and staff - bring your ICTP badge along - euro 6. You can take bus 6 or 36 that will drop you on the main road (viale Miramare) and then proceed by foot. See all info http://www.biennaletrieste.it/news

New exhibition: "Animali Speciali" (special animals) by famous Italian cartoonist Altan
at Palazzo Costanzi, sala V. Veruda (close to the Trieste municipality - piazza Unità). Timings 10:00 - 13:00 / 17:00 - 20:00.  Ongoing until 18 Dec

Art and Show at the Studio Tommaseo in via del Monte 2/1 on Sat 26 Nov at 18:00,
on the occasion of the ongoing exhibition of Gaetano Mainenti. The show is entitled  "La chiave dell' ascensore" and will be performed by the Obliquia artist group from the Venice Accademy of Fine Arts. The story is based on the novel of Agota Kristof.

a solo exhibition with paintings and photographs by Qing Yue, at the Sala Comunale Art Gallery in Piazza Unità 4. The show is open every day until 11 December, from 10:00-13:00 and 17:00-20:00. For more info:

Imaginario Scientifico new multimedia show "Altromare"
starting on Sunday 27 Nov and ongoing until 27 may 2012. The Immaginario Science Centre is located in Grignano (under the Adriatico Guesthouse). The show will take you to the ocean's abysses, underwater volcanoes, coral reefs and tropical islands. The exhibition is open every Sunday from 10:00 - 20:00. Furthermore there are workshops for children. Reduced entrance ticket for ICTP scientists and staff:  euro 4. For more info check website: http://www.immaginarioscientifico.it/grignano_museo at the Science Centre



Operetta Music at the Tripcovich Theatre: "Cin-ci-la" on Sunday 27 Nov at 16:30. With Marzia Postogna and Andrea Binetti, lyrics by Lombardo and music by Ranzato. The event is organized by the Associazione Internazionale dell'Operetta. Ticket price euro 10 - 20/pers can be purchased directly at the Verdi theatre box office (Tues - Fri 8:30 - 12:30/ 15:30 - 19:00 and Sat 9:00 - 16:00), or one hour before the show directly at the Tripcovich, situated close to the Central Train Station.

Sunday 27 Nov:  Matinee concert at 11:00 the Auditorium of the Revoltella Museum featuring the Nuova orchestra Ferruccio Busoni, directd by Massimo Belli
with music pieces by Pergolesi, Mozart, Sofiannopulo and Wolf-Ferrari. Entrance ticket to museum and concert euro 6,50.  Art workshops and guided tours for children are organized at 10:00 and 13:00, see below for info. The museum is situated in via Diaz. Take bus 8.


Miela Concerts: "Trio Debussy" on Friday 25 Nov at 20:30 and a piano concert with Andrei Gavrilov on Sat 26 Nov at 21:00 pieces by Chopin (9 Nocturnes) and Prokoviev. Check more info http://www.miela.it


"Donne in Musica from Baroque to our days” at the Revoltella Museum Auditorium on Sat 26 Nov at 17:00, music by Hensel, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Backer and Grondal with soprano Marianna Prizzon and Silvio Sirsen, pianist. Organized by "I Concerti della Cometa". Free entrance.


Chiesa di Montuzza Choir Music, "In Somno Pacis", on Sunday 27 Nov at 20:30. The church is located near the San Giusto Castle and can be reached by bus 24.

Tartini Music Conservatory "Wednesday Night Concerts",
free and open to all prior to booking. Forthcoming on Wednesday 30 Nov at 20:30: Chamber music to celebrate Nino Rota's 100th anniversary. The Conservatory is situated in via Ghega 12, close to the Central Train Station. You must book your place by calling the Conservatory the day before each concert preferably on Tuesday morning (tel: 040 6724911). Please be there 15 minutes before the show. See: http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it


Tonight, a magic performance "Meeting a Conjurer" with Valerio Cappellini at 18:30 at the Stazione Rogers in Riva Grumula 14 (bus 8). The show will include Close Up and Parlor Magic. The show will be held in Italian, but is mostly enjoyable also for an international audience. Free entrance. Check http://www.stazionerogers.org/content/micromagia-alla-rogers


Tonight: The European Saxophone Ensemble at 20:30 at the auditorium of the Casa della Musica in via dei Capitelli (Cavana district - close to Piaza Unità). Free entrance.

Twelve young and highly gifted saxophone players from 12 different EU member states form the ensemble. They perform new
compositions written by leading European composers. The ensemble has the honour to hold the title of Cultural Ambassador of the European Union. Their music covers a wide spectrum of styles: avant-garde-jazz, contemporary, traditional and classical music.


Tonight "Music from famous films" a concert by the Slovenian Symphony Orchestra, at the Teatro Stabile Sloveno in via Peronio 4, directed by David de Villiers. Classical music pieces used in films Wagner, Massenet Tchaikovsky but also music from the films "Apocalypse Now" or the "Godfather", "Titanic", "the Black Swan",  "Jurassic Park", "The Gladiator" and much more.



Tonight free film projection at the Silvio Pellico Theatre, in via Ananian 5/2, at 20:30, "L’heritage du griot” by Dani Kouyaté – Burkina Faso (1995) a 94 min. The film is in its original soundtrack French/Bambara with Italian subtitles. For more info check: http://www.donneafrica.org and http://www.accri.it/?page_id=5794


"Yes" U.K rock band in concert at the Palazzetto dello Sport di Chiarbola on Friday 25 Nov. Tickets can be purchased at the Ticket Point box office  in Corso Italia or online: http://www.radioattivita.com, http://www.azalea.it. Price euro 22 - 34.


 Play in Italian "Quelle (Belle) Parole" by Sandro Rossit, freely adapted from the novel of Cervantes " Intermezzi", with Daniel Zerjul at the San Giovanni theatre in via San Cilino 99/1 on Sat 26 Nov at 20:30 and Sun 27 Nov at 17:00. Ticket euro 8.


The Italian-American Association in via Roma 15 in Trieste presents every Friday at 18:00 a documentary in English regarding American Society, culture, politics and art followed by a discussion in English. Friday 25 Nov "Adventures of the Old West - Great Chiefs at the Crossroads". Free. Tel: 040 630301


"Gangster". A series film projections dedicated to crime stories at the Goethe Institute in via Beccaria 6, every Tuesday until 6 December, film screenings at 11:00 and 19:30 in original language, free entrance.



"Fiera del Disco Usato": Records, CDs and DVDs second hand and collectors' items plus all sorts of gadgets can be found and purchased (more than 70 stands) at the Palasport di Chiarbola in via Visinada nr. 7 on Sun 27 Nov, from 10:00 - 19:00. Entrance ticket euro 4. Bus 8. Check http://musicalibera.it.

Interesting talks today at 17:30: "Miramare d'Autunno" (autumn in Miramare), on art and architecture in Trieste from 1800 to 1900
at the Miramare Castle in the Sala dei Gabbiani. Luca Bellocchi will give a talk on the monumental cemetery of Trieste and Rossella Scopas on the art collection of architect Zammatio from "Fiume to Trieste".


Guided tours at the Botanic Gardens in via Marchesetti every Saturday from 10:00 - 12:00 and ongoing until 17 Dec to visit the geopaleontological section with an expert on Carsic rocks and fossils and see the full-size prototype of the Antonio Dinosaur (Tethyshadros insularis) discovered at the Villaggio del Pescatore site. Tel 040 360068 http://retecivica.trieste.it


Lunedì dello Schmidl" (Mondays at the Schmidl, the theatre museum at Palazzo Gopcevich in via Rossini) from 21 Nov - 26 March. In collaboration with the Trieste Municipality, the History and Art Museum and the Scuola di Musica 55, the museum has organized a number of events, talks, music presentations and concerts that will take place on Mondays to promote the history of Trieste's longstanding tradition theatre, opera and music performances. For a detailed programme check http://www.fvgnews.net/triestenews/view.php?t=e&k=14603


"Gioco che Passione" every Sunday at the Stazione Rogers (Riva Grumula 14), there are interesting talks (in Italian) held at 11:00 on a wide range of topics and issues ranging form philosophy, to aesthetics and Science. This Sunday 27 Nov, "Nel regno delle idee" by Aldo Rovatti.

Revoltella Museum Art Workshop for Children this weekend 26 and 27 Nov with Carlotta Bulatti, graphic designer and cartoonist (she collaborates with the Walt Disney) and she is also a professional soloist singer. The aim is to teach and help children to express their creativity whilst listening to classical music (Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven e Tchaikovsky). The workshops are on Saturdays from 15:00 - 18:00 and on Sundays from 10:00 - 13:00.Next appointments on the following dates: 10 - 11 Dec, 17 - 18 Dec, 14 - 15 Jan and 28 - 29 January. Each workshop for a group of max 15 children) costs euro 4,50/child per day and must be booked in advance by calling 040 6754350/273 or by email: biglietteria@comune.trieste.it.



"Assaggio Divino" (divine tasting) at the Stazione Marittima, on Sunday 27 Nov from 15:00 until 20:00. Wine and food tasting from the Friuli Venezia Giulia. The event is organized by Slow Food Trieste. Entrance for members euro 10 and non members euro 15 (ticket includes one glass of wine)


"Osmizza d'Autunno" wine tasting at the Parovel Cellars in San Dorligo della Valle from 10:00 to 23:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. On Sunday 27 Nov there will be special guided tours to the oil mills with extra virgin oil tasting at 10:00, 11:30, 12:30, 15:00 and 16:00, advance booking is necessary by calling 346 7590953 (also by SMS) or mail info@parovelevents.com. The specialty of the house is the "Merenda Carsolina" (cold platter with hams and cheeses) that you can book calling 349 7590953. Check http://www.parovelevents.co



"Manciù, l'Ultimo Imperatore" (Manchu, the last emperor) in Treviso at the Casa dei Carraresi Museum in via Palestro 33/35. Open Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 - 19:00 and Sun - Sat 9:00 - 20:00. A full collection of items, jewellery clothings, portraits of the 12 emperors of the Manchu dynasty, paintings by the Chinese artist Jaiang Guofan. Tel: 0422 513150.  http://www.laviadellaseta.info/. The exhibition is ongoing until 13 May 2012


"Il Giovane Tiepolo, alla scoperta della Luce”, at the Castle of Udine, ongoing until Dec 4, Tues - Sun 10:30 - 17:00. 33 works by Tiepolo in his early period before his stay in Udine in 1726. Entrance euro 8. euro 10 for a combined entrance to the Museo Diocesano where you can admire more works and frescoes by the artist. Check: http://www.udinecultura.it


Villa Manin di Passariano in the Province of Udine

"Espressionismo" at Villa Manin di Passariano in the Province of Udine ongoing until 5 March 2012 with 100 works from the Brücke Museum of Berlin. Works by Kirchner, Heckel, Nolde, Schimdt-Rottluff, Pechstein and Mueller representing the 1905 "Die Brücker " movement in Dresden, forerunner of the expressionist movement. Check programme: http://www.lineadombra.it. Entrance ticket euro 10. Take train to Udine then local buses to Passariano.


LAST DAYS TO VISIT THE VENICE BIENNALE! - Biennale di Venezia, the 54th International Art Exhibition (closing this year on 27 Nov!) at the Giardini and Arsenale and other spots in Venice. This year's theme is "ILLUMInations" and is set up in the Central Pavilion forming a single itinerary with 83 artists from all over the world. Do not miss the interesting Italian Pavilion in the Arsenale! Check info: http://www.labiennale.org/en/art/index.html



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