
WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK 10 - 13 November 2011

at 18:00 at Cinecity, Torri d'Europa Shopping Centre, Via d'Alviano 23, Trieste, as the opening show of the Trieste Science+Fiction international film festival.

The documentary, written by Giuseppe Mussardo, with the collaboration of Luisa Bonolis for the historical part, and directed by Diego Cenetiempo, has been sponsored by ICTP in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) and the Consorzio per la Fisica.
Entrance for this show is free.


VERDI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT SEASON 2011: Stabat Mater by Dvorak directed by Corrado Rovaris, on Fri 11 Nov (at 20:30) and Sat 12 Nov (at 18:00). There is a 50% reduction on tickets purchased "last minute" (one hour before the show) for all performances directly at the Verdi's ticket office. Only for the Sat afternoon performances young people under 26 can purchase tickets for euro 5. For more info on program and tickets, check: http://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com

Free: The Tartini Music Conservatory Symphony orchestra will perfom on Sunday 13 Nov at 18:00
under the direction of maestro Fabio Pirona at the Tripcovich Theatre (Largo Città di Santos - close to the central train station. Music pieces by Verdi, Mercadante, Bellini and Rota. Free entrance prior to booking your seats by calling 040 6724911.


Sunday Matinee Concerts at the Revoltella Museum on Sunday 13 Nov at 11:00: "Storia di Dandula La Capriciosa Corretta”, with music pieces by Mozart, Rossini, A.Ros(s)etti and F. Bianchi with soprano Susanna Armani, Claude Padoan (horn), Bruno Volpato (piano) and Paolo Cattalan (narrator). Following the concert, drinks will be offered. Entrance ticket to museum and concert euro 6,50. Check http://www.museorevoltella.it. The museum is situated in Via Diaz 27, close to Piazza Venezia, take bus 8.

Tartini Music Conservatory "Wednesday Night Concerts", free and open to all prior to booking. Forthcoming on Wednesday 16 Nov at 20:30: "Trieste Flute Day" with the Trieste Flute Ensemble and the Tartini flute Choir, directed by Gorgio Blasco.
The Conservatory is situated in via Ghega 12, close to the Central Train Station. You must book your place by calling the Conservatory the day before each concert preferably on Tuesday morning (tel: 040 6724911). Please be there 15 minutes before the show. See: http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it


Today at 18:00, inauguration of a new group exhibition "Salone d'Autunno dell'Arte Triestina" at Palazzo Costanzi, piazza Piccola 2 (behind the Trieste municipality and Piazza Unità) with the following artists: Franca Batich, Villibossi, Giuseppe Callea, Ennio Cervi, Bruno Chersicla, Cosimo Fusco, Enzo E. Mari, Bruno Paladin, Claudio Palcic, Bruno Ponte, Qing Yue, Franco Rosso, Tullio Sila, Mauro Stipanov, Bruno Tommasini, Piero Toresella, Franco Vecchiet, Livio Zoppolato, Fulvia Zudic. The exhibition will be ongoing until 20 Nov every day, 10:00 - 13:00/17:00 - 20:00.

Today at the Magazzino 26 (Porto Franco Vecchio) at 18:00 a Multi-Media performance
by Paola Pisani, live music with Marco Castelli,  and video performance by Guillermo Giampietro. The event is organized by "Gruppo 78". you may take this occasion to visit the the Contemporary Art Exhibition "BIENNALE DIFFUSA" (closing on 27 Nov):  This exhibition is an extension of the renown 54th International Venice Biennale event and is held at "Magazzino 26" in the old port of Trieste. From ICTP, take bus nr 6 and stop in Viale Miramare at the bus stop right after the main entrance of the show, ask the driver in case. It takes a 5-minute walk to reach the building, Magazzino 26. Entrance tickets for ICTP scientists, visitors and staff - bring your ICTP badge along - euro 6. You can take bus 6 or 36 that will drop you on the main road (viale Miramare) and then proceed by foot. See all info http://www.biennaletrieste.it/news

Inauguration of the 7th edition of
dedicated to young and talented regional and international artists. The inauguration ceremony will be held at the Miela Theatre and will start with a dance show "Label" followed by dj music at 21:30, and on Saturday 12 Nov at 20:00 a dance show with the dance company "Fragile Poesia". From 12 to 20 Nov the art works and photography exhibitions will be held at the Miela Theatre and Stazione Rogers on the Rive, every day from 17:00 - 20:00 until 20 Nov. For a detailed programme, check2011”. http://www.artefatto.info/article/news/detail/id/257

Photography exhibition  "Quetzal"
at the LipanjePuntin Art gallery in Via Diaz 4 ongoing until 25 Nov. The artist is Fulvio Eccardy, a biologist and professional photographer who lives in Mexico and has dedicated his life to the preservation of nature and its biodiversity especially the conservation of the biosphere of the Chiapas Mountains. His photos have been published in numerous magazines such as Oasis, BBC Wildlife, National Geographic etc.  See http://www.lipanjepuntin.com

Revoltella Museum "Corrispondenze d' Arte"
at the Contemporary Art Section with new works and installations, crafts, photos dislocated in different areas of the Museum, from the ground level to the 6th floor.  Ongoing until 4 December. Entrance ticket euro 6. Open daily (except Tuesday) from 10:00 - 19:00.

INTERESTING TALKS today (in Italian)

"Today at 18:00 "Il Caffè delle Scienze - La natura in vetrina" at the Antico Caffè San Marco located in via Battisti 18: Michele Pipan from the University of Trieste will give a talk on "Tunguska: quando gli asteroidi arrivano sulla terra" (When asteroids land on earth) followed by Sergio Invernizi " La medicina cinese funziona?" (Does Chinese medicine work?) The talks are organized by the University of Trieste.


Today at 15:30, " Come diventare italiani in 40 minuti" (How to become Italians in 40 minutes) by Laila Wadia, who has recently published her book (Come diventare Italiani in 24 ore, how to become Italian in 24 hours)) with the participation of Marcela Serli. The talk is part of the S/paesati - event on the theme of migration" held every year at the Miela Theatre. Check all Miela programmes for this month at http://www.miela.it




Science+Fiction International Festival 10 - 13 November at Cinecity, Torri d'Europa Shopping Centre, Via d'Alviano 23, Trieste. Check films at: 


The Italian-American Association in via Roma 15 in Trieste presents every Friday at 18:00 a documentary in English regarding American Society, culture, politics and art followed by a discussion in English. Friday 11 Nov: " Proud to serve- men and women in the U.S army". Free entrance and discussion in English after the film. Friday Tel: 040 630301


Comedy play in Triestine dialect "Una Cheba de Mati" (A crazy place) by Bruno Cappelletti with the "Ex-allievi del Toti" company, at the Teatrino Basaglia in via Weiss 13, San Giovanni, from 4 to 13 Nov at 20:30.  Ticket euro 10 (except on Fridays euro 7). Tel: 040 348 2897


"Gangster" films dedicated to crime stories at the Goethe Institute in via Beccaria 6, every Tuesday until 6 December, film screenings at 11:00 and 19:30 in original language, free entrance.



For sweet & cake lovers! Visit the "Festa del Dolce Tipico" (Typical Sweets and cakes fair), after last week's chocolate fair, in Piazza Ponterosso starting today until Sun 13 Nov!


"Festa di San Martino" in Muggia this weekend with all sorts of side events taking place in and around the city (art shows, music tours). Visit the castle of Muggia with a special guided tour on Sun 13 Nov at 11:00, 15:00 and 17:00 (book your tour in piazza Marconi) and visit Muggia's Flea Market on Sunday 13 Nov from 8;00 until sunset in piazza della Repubblica. For entire programme at http://www.turismofvg.it?Events/Details/84784


"International Cat Show" for cat lovers, in Trieste at the Ippodromo di Montebello (piazzale De Gasperi 4) on Sat 12 and Sun 13 Nov. Check http://www.turismofvg.it/Eventi/Details/84538

"IL Violino Viola", art workshops for Children (6 - 12 yeas old) organized at the Revoltella museum from Nov 2011 until January 2012 with Carlotta Bulatti, graphic designer and cartoonist (she collaborates with the Walt Disney) and she is also a professional soloist singer. The aim is to teach and help children to express their creativity whilst listening to classical music (Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven e Tchaikovsky). The workshops are on Saturdays from 15:00 - 18:00 and on Sundays from 10:00 - 13:00 on the following dates: 26- 27 Nov, 10 - 11 Dec, 17 - 18 Dec, 14 - 15 Jan and 28 - 29 January. Each workshop for a group of max 15 children) costs euro 4,50/child per day and must be booked in advance by calling 040 6754350/273 or by email: biglietteria@comune.trieste.it.


Visit the Botanic Gardens in via Marchesetti 2 on Sunday 13 Nov. There will be a flower and plants market and a guided tour at 10:00. Check: http://www.retecivica.trieste.it


"Mercatino dello Sci" ongoing until 13 Nov, is the annual ski market with all sorts of winter sports equipment and skis snowboards, boots, clothings and all sorts of gadgets, mainly second hand. You can find good bargains there. It is located at the Aurisina Station, sala del dopolavoro ferroviario, Mon - Fri 16:00 - 19:30 and Sat - sun 10:00 - 19:30. For more info call: 040 290 8105 or cell 355 84 16657



"Osmizza d'Autunno" wine and olive oil tasting at the Parovel Cellars in San Dorligo della Valle ongoing until 13 November 10:00 - 23:00 and a special evening with music on Friday 11 Nov "Bakus Day" with live Balkan music with the  "Kraski Ovcarji" group starting at 21:00. The specialty of the house is the "Merenda Carsolina" (cold platter with hams and cheeses) that you can book calling 349 7590953. Check http://www.parovelevents.com


San Martino in Cantina on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 November: Guided tastings in wineries, wine and food pairings, lunches and dinners with winemakers of the Friuli Venezia Giulia:  organized by Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli Venezia Giulia. More than 50 wineries will open their doors to guests from 10:00 to 18:00, some of them upon booking. A great opportunity to taste traditional food in wineries, farm restaurants or restaurant throughout the whole region Venezia Giulia and its history. For more info, tel +39.0432.289540 or check http://www.mtvfriulivg.it



"Il Giovane Tiepolo, alla scoperta della Luce”, at the Castle of Udine, ongoing until Dec 4, Tues - Sun 10:30 - 17:00. 33 works by Tiepolo in his early period before his stay in Udine in 1726. Entrance euro 8. euro 10 for a combined entrance to the Museo Diocesano where you can more works and frescoes by the artist. Check: http://www.udinecultura.it


Villa Manin di Passariano in the Province of Udine

"Espressionismo" at Villa Manin di Passariano in the Province of Udine ongoing until 5 March 2012 with 100 works from the Brücke Museum of Berlin. Works by Kirchner, Heckel, Nolde, Schimdt-Rottluff, Pechstein and Mueller representing the 1905 "Die Brücker " movement in Dresden, forerunner of the expressionist movement. Check programme: http://www.lineadombra.it. Entrance ticket euro 10. Take train to Udine then local buses to Passariano.


LAST DAYS TO VISIT THE VENICE BIENNALE! - Biennale di Venezia, the 54th International Art Exhibition (closing this year on 27 Nov!) at the Giardini and Arsenale and other spots in Venice. This year's theme is "ILLUMInations" and is set up in the Central Pavilion forming a single itinerary with 83 artists from all over the world. Do not miss the interesting Italian Pavilion in the Arsenale! Check info: http://www.labiennale.org/en/art/index.html



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