

WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK 21 - 24 July 2011


New Exhibition: "Art from Ecuador and Colombia" with Mauricio Zequeda (winner of the 2007 Botero prize) and Martha Zamora from Colombia and Ana Cevallos and Roberto Yturralde from Ecuador. The exhibition is taking place at the Linea d'Arte Gallery in via Lazaretto Vecchio 19, until 6 August (Mon-Fri 17-19:30 and Sat 10:00 - 13:00).

Contemporary Art Exhibition "BIENNALE DIFFUSA
" for the first time in Trieste: an extension of the renown Venice Biennale organized by famous art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, at "Magazzino 26" in Porto Vecchio. It is one of the largest warehouses here built in 1860 under the Austro-Hungarian Empire when Trieste was the main port of the Empire. It has been renovated completely to host this outstanding exhibit with works by Italian and international artists, sculptors, photographers (about 170 artists).  The exhibit is ongoing until 27 Nov, opening times Fri-Sat 10:00 - 23:00 / Sun-Thurs 10:00 - 21:00.  Entrance ticket euro 6 for ICTP badge holders and residents in Trieste (normal price euro 8).


Classical Music Concert at the Miramare Castle on Friday 22 July in the Throne Room: "Viaggio nella tradizione spagnola" (A journey into Spanish traditions) with mezzo soprano M. Rinaldi accompanied on the piano by M. Salateo and N. Colocci. Entrance fee to concert and Castle euro 4. Places are limited to 80 and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Next on 29 July: Franz Liszt piano Concert.

Trieste Operetta Festival: "Die Dreigroschenoper" (The Three Penny Opera) by Bertolt Brecht and music composer Weill on 22 and 23 July at 21:00 and 24 July at 17:30 at the Verdi Theatre and "Viva l'italia" on 29 and 30 July.
All Tickets are sold directly at the Verdi Theatre Box Office (open Mon- Fri 9:00 _ 21:00). For more info call toll free number 800 090373 or 040 6722307. You may book your place by sending an email to: boxoffice@teatroverdi-trieste.com or via fax 040 672249. Check the operetta programme: http://www.teatroverditrieste.com/verdi2009a/1.Attivita2010/0.Operetta2011/IndexOperetta.asp




Free entrance on Sundays to the Victory Lighthouse (Faro della Vittoria) from 10:00 - 15:00. The lighthouse was built by the famous Triestine architect Berlam. It is a commemorative monument dedicated to the fallen of the First World War. It is located in Strada del Friuli. Bus 42, 44 or 46 from Piazza Oberdan. Great for photos if it's a nice day.

Book in advance a special visit to the Revoltella Museum (in via Diaz 27)  "Un Caffè con il Barone Revoltella" (Coffee with Baron Revoltella) scheduled on 4,5,6,7,11,12,13 and 14 August. It is a special guided tour (in Italian) of the Baron's private apartments with two actors taking you around and playing the part of Baron Revoltella (actor Lorenzo Acquaviva) and his friend (actor Ivan Zerbinati) recounting the Baron's life and in particular his adventures in Egypt as he was one of the main financial supporters of the construction of the Suez Canal and vice president of the company. You will be invited to drink a coffee and listen to the Baron's "life adventures and confessions". No more than 35 persons per show. Ticket euro 10/pers. Reservation and booking at the Museum's box office: 040 6754350, or send an email: revoltella@comune.trieste.it. Ticket euro 10/pers.


"Trieste Mosaico di Culture" (Trieste, a mosaic of cultures) on Saturday 23 July at 16:30:  A 2-hr guided walking tour downtown to visit the main cultural and religious sites that represent the ethnic and religious minorities of Trieste.  The tour is in Italian and English and costs euro 5/pers. It is necessary to book your place by calling the FVG Tourist Office in via dell' Orologio 1 (corner of Piazza Unità): 040 3478312.


Every Sunday at the Miramare Castle: Included in the entrance ticket, there are free guided tours (up to 25 pers/group) at 12:00 and at 17:00. There are also free guided tours of the park at 10:30 and 15:30. For regular visits, the castle is open every day from 9:00 to 19:00. Entrance ticket: euro 6, there is a reduced entrance fee (4 euro) for EU citizens aged 18 - 25 and for seniors (+ 65).  Check: http://www.castellomiramare.org/sito/ing_museo.html or http://www.castello-miramare.it/ita/eventi/news.php



FREE SHOWS: Tonight,
"Trieste LovesJazz festival" with the New York Voices at the San Giusto Castle at 21:00. Saturday 23 July in Piazza Hortis "Adam Holzman Trio followed by the PVTC Praga-Vienna-Trieste Connection". Monday 25 July, at the San Giusto Castle: Jazz with Abercombie Berline Eskine Sheppard Quartet at 21:00. Check all programmes:


Free Film tonight at the San Giovanni Theatre: "I Diari della Motocicletta" (The motorcycle diaries) by Walter Salles and produced by Robert Redford tells the story of the journey in 1952 of two "bikers" Ernesto Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado from Buenos Aires to Machu Pichu and along the Amazone river. Check all free screenings: http://www.miela.it


Free shows in Muggia: Saturday 23 July:  Musical "Aspettando New York" (Awaiting  New York) and on Sunday 24 July: "Dove il Mare Luccica' (Where the sea glitters) with actress and singer Marzia Postogna and musician Eduardo Contizanetti in Piazza Marconi, Muggia's main historical square at 21:00.  For all summer events in Muggia, Check "Muggia sotto le Stelle" festival ("Muggia under the stars"): http://www.benvenutiamuggia.eu/. Take bus 20.



"Sapori del Golfo" ongoing until 12 September: Stands and kiosks serve fresh fish from the Gulf of Trieste cooked in the typical Triestine way such as the fried "sardoni" (sardines)! Music and entertainment as well. Venue at the Scalo Legnami - ExGaslini (close to the Torri d'Europa Shopping Center - take bus 8) open on Saturdays 18:00 - 23:00 and Sundays 12:00 - 14:30 / 18:00 - 23:00.


"Estate in Movimento" (Free Open Air Sports) in Barcola Pineta, ongoing until 31 August: Sports, gym, yoga, aerobics, water gym, and much more with qualified staff in and around the "Barcola pine woods" from Monday to Friday for adults and children. No appointment is needed but check the timetable to choose your activity! http://www.estateinmovimento.it/EVE or call for info: 040 569431



-  "Mittlefest" in Cividale ongoing until 24 July, http://www.mittelfest.org/programma


-  Grado Festival ongoing until 28 July:  http://www.gradofestival.it/Festival.asp


- Nei Suoni dei Luoghi Festival ongoing until 11 September: http://www.neisuonideiluoghi.it/index.cfm?pagina=date&sottopagina=dettaglio_date


-  International Folk Festival, "Folkest", ongoing until 1 August and held in different places in the Region, http://www.folkest.com/festival/programma-2011/


Venice Biennial - Biennale di Venezia, the 54th International Art Exhibition at the Giardini and Arsenale and other spots in Venice. This year's theme is "ILLUMInations" and is set up in the Central Pavilion forming a single itinerary with 83 artists from all over the world. Do not miss the interesting Italian Pavilion in the Arsenale! Ongoing until 27 November. Check info: http://www.labiennale.org/en/art/index.html


Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information. Check website: http://portal.ictp.it/infopoint


Info Point
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste - IT
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