

WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK 14 - 17 July 2011

Tonight: Special "Dine and Dance" evening at ICTP at the Leonardo Building Cafeteria and Terrace,  starting at 19:30. The "Nueva Clave" dance school, with their professional dancers, will perform various dance exhibitions from Tango, Latino, Rock ' n Roll to hip hop and much more. All ICTP visitors, scientists and staff are most welcome. There will be a buffet dinner payable with a full meal coupon (that includes 2 drinks) or by cash (includes 1 drink).


Interesting talk in Italian: "The Power of Art" ("Il Potere dell'Arte") organized by ARS (Accademia Ricerche Sociali) at the Circolo della Stampa in Corso Italia 13 on Friday 15 July at 18:00. "Riflessioni sull'epistemologia dell'arte (Thoughts on the epistemology of art) by Prof. M. Panzini, Trieste University; "Arte e Totalitarismi" (Art and totalitarianism) by M. Chinaglia, historian; "Un pomeriggio tra gli artisti di Shanghai" (An afternoon in Shanghai's artists' quarters) by Qing Yue, artist; "Il Potere dell'arte" (The power of art") by G. Cisco, president United Nations of the Arts Academy; "Prospettive d'arte a Trieste" (Art perspectives in Trieste) by A. Mariani, Cultural councillor, Municipality of Trieste. On-the-spot drawings by F. Chiama, artist. Free entrance.

Contemporary Art Exhibition "BIENNALE DIFFUSA
" for the first time in Trieste: an extension of the renown Venice Biennale organized by famous art critic Vittorio Sgarbi, at "Magazzino 26" in Porto Vecchio. It is one of the largest warehouses here built in 1860 under the Austro-Hungarian Empire when Trieste was the main port of the Empire. It has been renovated completely to host this outstanding exhibit with works by Italian and international artists, sculptors, photographers (about 170 artists).  The exhibit is ongoing until 27 Nov, opening times Fri-Sat 10:00 - 23:00 / Sun-Thurs 10:00 - 21:00. Entrance ticket euro 8 and euro 6 for residents in Trieste.


Free Tonight: "Operetta, che passione" (Operetta, what a passion") with tenor Massimo Marsi and soprano Ilaria Zanetti, accompanied on the piano by Corrado Gulin. The concert will take place in Piazza Marconi, Muggia's main historical square at 21:00.


Trieste Operetta Festival. "Eine Nacht in Venedig" ("A Night In Venice") by J. Strauss at the San Giusto Castle in the open air tonight and on 16 and 19 July at 21:15 (tickets from euro 10 to 25) and "La Chatte métamorphosée en femme" ("The metamorphosis of a cat") by Jacques Offenbach at the Verdi Theatre on 15 and 17 July (tickets from euro 9 to 35). All Tickets are sold directly at the Verdi Theatre Box Office (open Mon- Fri 9:00 _ 21:00). For more info call toll free number 800 090373 or 040 6722307. You may book your place by sending an email to: boxoffice@teatroverdi-trieste.com or via fax 040 672249. Check the operetta programme: http://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com/verdi2009a/1.Attivita2010/0.Operetta2011/IndexOperetta.asp



Tonight and on 15, 16 and 17 July: A Special visit to the Revoltella Museum (in via Diaz 27) this weekend: "Un Caffè con il Barone Revoltella" ("A coffee with Baron Revoltella") is a special guided tour (in Italian) of the Baron's private apartments with two actors taking you around and playing the part of Baron Revoltella (actor Lorenzo Acquaviva) and his friend (actor Ivan Zerbinati) recounting the Baron's life and in particular his adventures in Egypt as he was one of the main financial supporters of the construction of the Suez Canal and vice president of the company. You will be invited to drink a coffee and listen to the Baron's "life, adventures and confessions". The show starts tonight at 21:00 and will be repeated on  Sat 16 and Sun 17
 and again 4, 5 ,6 ,7, 11, 12, 13 and 14 August.
No more than 35 persons per show. Ticket for this special guided tour and show: euro 10/pers. advanced booking is necessary by calling the Museum's box office: 040 6754350, or send an email: revoltella@comune.trieste.it. Ticket euro 10/pers.


"Trieste, literary atmospheres, an inspiration for many great writers", on Saturday 16 July at 16:30: A 2 hours guided walking tour through the literary history, the anecdotes and the life in the city of some of the most outstanding figures in modern literature; on the imaginary and symbolic footsteps of Italo Svevo, James Joyce, Umberto Saba, Fulvio Tomizza, as well as Claudio Magris and Veit Heinichen. The tour is in Italian and English and costs euro 5/pers. It is necessary to book your place by calling the FVG Tourist Office in via dell' Orologio 1 (on the corner of Piazza Unità): 040 3478312.


Every Sunday at the Miramare Castle: Included in the entrance ticket, there are free guided tours (up to 25 pers/group) at 12:00 and at 17:00. There are also free guided tours of the park at 10:30 and 15:30. For other visits, The castle is open every day from 9:00 to 19:00. Entrance ticket: euro 6, there is a reduced entrance fee (4 euro) for EU citizens aged 18 - 25 and for seniors (+ 65).  Check: http://www.castellomiramare.org/sito/ing_museo.html or http://www.castello-miramare.it/ita/eventi/news.php



Tonight Free rock music concert with famous musician Wilie Nile and his band at 21:00, at the Barcola Fountain.


Free Films at the San Giovanni Theatre in via Weiss 13, featuring films produced by Jewish film directors who immigrated to the USA during the Nazi persecutions in Europe. On Friday 15 July there will be the book presentation "From Hitler to Casablanca via Hollywood" by Francesco Carbone, followed by the film "Casablanca" (1942). Other films on 19, 22, 26 29 July. Free entrance to all projections.  For more details, check: http://www.miela.it


Guča Festival in the Carso with live Balkan music from Serbia with outstanding musicians. Friday 15 July: Goran Bregovic and his "Wedding and Funeral Orchetra". Tickets must be purchased office in Corso Italia 6 (euro 16,50). Saturday 16 July, Shantel with the Bucovina Club Orchestra (ticket euro 5/pers) purchased on the spot the day of the show and Sunday 17 July "Boban and Marko Markovic Orchestra" (euro 5/pers - on the spot the day of the show). There will stands with Serbian gastronomic specialities organized by the Associazione Serba di Trieste Vuk Karadzic. The concerts will take place in Borgo Grotta Giganta ex- aerodrome field (bus 42).


Muggia summer festival. Dance exhibitions with the "Club Diamante" dance school on Sunday 17 July in Piazza Marconi, Muggia's main historical square at 21:00.  For all summer events in Muggia, Check "Muggia sotto le Stelle" festival ("Muggia under the stars") http://www.benvenutiamuggia.eu/. Take bus 20


Every Friday night during the summer, music and dance at the San Giusto Castle open air terrace "Bottega del Vino" with "Papastuff" dj starting at 23:00. Entrance ticket includes one drink. There is also a restaurant service during the week, starting at 20:00 (medium-upper budget). Tel: 040 2458290 or check http://www.labottegadelvino.biz



"Sapori del Golfo" ongoing until 12 September: Stands and kiosks serve fresh fish from the Gulf of Trieste cooked in the typical Triestine way such as the fried "sardoni" (sardines)! Music and entertainment as well. Venue at the Scalo Legnami - ExGaslini (close to the Torri d'Europa Shopping Center - take bus 8) open on Saturdays 18:00 - 23:00 and Sundays 12:00 - 14:30 / 18:00 - 23:00.


"Estate in Movimento" (Free Open Air Sports) in Barcola Pineta, ongoing until 31 August: Sports, gym, yoga, aerobics, water gym, and much more with qualified staff in and around the "Barcola pine woods" from Monday to Friday for adults and children. No appointment is needed but check the timetable to choose your activity! http://www.estateinmovimento.it/EVE or call for info: 040 569431



-  "Mittlefest" in Cividale from 9 - 24 July, http://www.mittelfest.org/programma


-  Grado Festival 10 - 28 July:  http://www.gradofestival.it/Festival.asp


- Nei Suoni dei Luoghi Festival ongoing until 11 September: http://www.neisuonideiluoghi.it/index.cfm?pagina=date&sottopagina=dettaglio_date


- International Folk Festival, "Folkest", ongoing until 1 August and held in different places in the Region, http://www.folkest.com/festival/programma-2011/


- In Monfalcone: International Music and Dance Festival "Onde Mediterranee" ongoing until Friday 15 July. Concerts and performances will take place mainly in the city's main square, Piazza della Repubblica (you can take APT 51 - airport bus). Check complete programme: http://www.ondemediterranee.it/asscult/edizione-2011/programma.html


Venice Biennial - Biennale di Venezia, the 54th International Art Exhibition at the Giardini and Arsenale and other spots in Venice. This year's theme is "ILLUMInations" and is set up in the Central Pavilion forming a single itinerary with 83 artists from all over the world. Do not miss the interesting Italian Pavilion in the Arsenale! Ongoing until 27 November. Check info: http://www.labiennale.org/en/art/index.html


Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information. Check website: http://portal.ictp.it/infopoint


Info Point
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste - IT
tel: +39 040 2240 433
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