

WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK                        5  - 8 AUGUST 2010


 "Trieste Loves Jazz" Festival (last days) in Piazza Hortis: Sat 7 August at 21:00: Alessandra Franco (vocal) and Alexander Ipavec on the accordion, followed by Imagens Quartet (play music by Celso Machado) and Marco Castaldi. On Sun 8 August, Franco Toro &Nicol Pellicani, Mike Sponza Quintet, Etno Ploch .Check: http://www.triestelovesjazz.com.

"One Life to Live",
a concert organized by the Associazione Internazionale dell'Operetta, with actress and singer Marzia Postogna and actor Max Borghesi accompanied on the piano by Cristina Santin. Venue at Porto San Rocco (Muggia), Sala Congressi at 21:00. Free Entrance. (Bus 20 to Muggia then bus 32 to Porto San Rocco).

Piazza Unità at 21:00: Tonight:
Folk dances from Naples "Danza della Taranta" with drum players from Torrepadula. Friday 6 August: "Campovolo, Luciano Ligabue - Tribute Band. Sat 7 August, Nuova Orchestra da Camera F. Busoni will play famous music from films. Sun  8 August, The Swinging Sixties Band.

CINEMA: Free entrance
"Open Door, Teatri a Teatro"; open-air cinema at the Teatrino di San Giovanni in collaboration with the Cappella Underground and Cooperativa Bonaventura. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 21:00, there will be a series of films in their original soundtrack with themes related to young people. Tonight: "The District", (Hungary) by Aron Gauder; multi-ethnic Budapest through the eyes of young people. Sat 8 August "Burma VJ" (Denmark 2008) by Anders Ostergaard, a documentary on the rebellion of Buddhist Monks in Burma. Seats will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Check complete programme: http://provincia.trieste.it. Bus 6 to the San Giovanni Park District.


Miramare Concerts every Friday at 20:30 and ongoing until 17 September with the Tartini Music Conservatory. The concerts are free and held in the Throne Room, but you must pay the entrance ticket to the Castle for the evening: euro 4/head. This Friday 6 August:  Beethoven Sonata " Les Adieux" for piano, flute and bassoon. Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

"Musica Cortese
" (Court Music from the 14th, 15th and 16th century) by the Dramsam Ensemble at the Foresteria del Castello di Duino (the Duino Castle's ex-Guesthouse now United World College annexe), tonight, 5 August at 21:00. Free entrance. For other concerts in the Region, check http://www.dramsam.eu


"Musei di Sera' (Museums at Night) is an event organized by the Municipality of Trieste every year which gives the opportunity to a museum to open its doors to the public on Tuesday and Wednesday nights during the whole month of August from 20:00 - 24:00. There are free-guided tours, concerts, lectures, film projections etc.

This year the event will take place at the "Carlo Schmidl Theatre Museum", founded in 1924 and now located at Palazzo Gopcevich in Via Rossini 4 (on the canal).

The Theatre Museum has a wide collection of theatre costumes, medals, documents, photographs, music instruments dating back to 18th century. For more details on this event and on the program offered, check http://www.retecivica.trieste.it or call 040 6754072.

"Mosaico&Mosaici 2010", (mosaics exhibition)
in Spilimbergo at the Mosaics School, in via Corridoni 6, with the works created by the students during the school year. The exhibition is ongoing until 29 August and is well worth visiting. Open from 10:00 - 12:30 / 16:30 - 20:00. For more info check: http://www.scuolamosaicistifriuli.it. You may reach Spilimbergo by train, via Udine, Pordenone or Casarza della Delizia (closest to Spilimbergo) and then take a local bus. Check: http://www.spilimbergo.com/citta-e-dintorni/come-arrivare.html

Revoltella Museum in Trieste in via Diaz 27 (bus 8)

"Art&Cinema" every Friday ongoing until 27 August at 20:30, there will be a number of film projections at the Auditorium. All films are in their original soundtrack with Italian subtitles.  Friday 6 August: "Pollock", a film on the life an American artist Jackson Pollock, directed and interpreted by Ed Harris based on the novel "Jackson Pollock, an American Saga" by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith. Entrance euro 6/head includes entrance to museum and film projections. You may also have an aperitif on the Terrace of the Museum, open on this occasion from 18:00 to 21:00. For more info check: http://www.museorevoltella.it

"Calici d'Arte
" is a wine and food tasting event held every Thursday night on the beautiful terrace of the Revoltella Museum. Tonight, 5 August at 19:30: " La Nobile Storia dei Bianchi del Carso" (the noble story of the Carso's white wines): a talk by wine experts and a sommelier on some of the white wines produced in Triestine Carso (Bole, Grgic, Ota, Kojancic and Zidarich). There will also be a presentation of local extra virgin olive oils Scheriani, Parovel and others and various cheeses and honey produced in the area. Pre-booking is necessary by calling: 040 6754350. The cost is euro 10/head and includes wine and food tasting, the entrance to the museum and any visit to the art galleries or ongoing exhibitions.

Mirò, "Il Poeta del Colore"
(the poet of colours) ongoing until 7 November at the Scuderie di Miramare (ex-horse stables of the Miramare Castle close to the main entrance gate). The exhibition is a collection of Mirò's art prints, lithographs, watercolours combined with poetic verses by the artist himself. Open from Tues - Sun 10:00 - 18:30. Entrance ticket euro 5. 


"Barcolissima” from 7 to 15 August, every day from 15:30 until 23:00, live music and kiosks with all kinds of items and foods around the "Barcola Fountain'. Check: http://www.barcolissima.it

Sistiana Bay Nightlife at the Caravella: Music, Bars and Discos.
You can get to Sistiana with the airport bus 51 and walk down to the sea (5 minutes walk).  There are free buses on Saturday night departing from Piazza Oberdan. The service is called "Overnight" and is reserved for young people aged 16 - 25 who wish to go to Sistiana at night. Departure from Piazza Oberdan at 22:15, 22:30, 23:30 and 23:45 and return at 1:10, 2:20, 2:50 and 4:15. Flea Market and Bric à Brac every Friday in August, down in Sistiana Bay, at the "Parco Caravella" from 18:00 - 23:00.

Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information.

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