

WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK                        29 July - 1 August

SPECIAL AFRICAN EVENING AT THE LEONARDO BUILDING ON FRIDAY 30 JULY: Art exhibition from Sudan, Music and Rhythms with "Mamaya" group and Special Dinner on the Terrace (weather permitting) or Cafeteria!


FREE ENTERTAINMENT: "Trieste Loves Jazz" Festival ongoing until 8 August: Check programme: http://www.triestelovesjazz.com

In Piazza Unità at 21:00

29 July: "Dajaloo", four Italian jazz musicians headed by Pietro Tonolo meet and play with 5 African percussionists from Senegal the "Africa Djembe Junior" group who play traditional Wolof and Madinga music.

Trieste Rock Festival in Piazza Unità:  from 30 July to 1 August at 21:00
, for 3 consecutive nights, many bands and groups will be performing: 30 July; "Focus + VIII strada", 31 July: homage to Frank Zappa, the Grandmother Reinvented and 1 August Steve Hackett (ex genesis, guitar player and composer from G.B)

at the Miramare Castle
with music by Chopin played by Letizia Michielon. The concert will take lace in the Throne Room at 20:30. The concert is free but you must pay the entrance ticket to the Castle for the evening: euro 4/head. Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.


"Mossaico&Mosaici 2010" is the new  exhibition taking place in Spilimbergo at the Mosaics School, in via Corridoni 6, with the works created by the students during the school year. The exhibition is ongoing until 29 August and is well worth visiting. Open from 10:00 - 12:30 / 16:30 - 20:00. For more info check: http://www.scuolamosaicistifriuli.it. You may reach Spilimbergo by train, via Udine, Pordenone or Casarza della Delizia (closest to Spilimbergo) and then take a local bus. Check: http://www.spilimbergo.com/citta-e-dintorni/come-arrivare.html

Summer events at the Revoltella Museum in Trieste in via Diaz 27 (bus 8)

"Art&Cinema" every Friday ongoing until 27 August at 20:30, there will be a number of film projections at the Auditorium. All films are in their original soundtrack with Italian subtitles.  Friday 30 July: "My Architect - A Son's Journey", a documentary dedicated to the life and works of artist and architect Louis Kahn (1901 - 1974) by his son Nathaniel Kahn. Entrance euro 6/head includes entrance to museum and film projections. You may also have an aperitif on the Terrace of the Museum, open on this occasion from 18:00 to 21:00. For more info on these programmes: check: http://www.museorevoltella.it

Exhibition at the Duino Castle until 15 Nov "The Emperor at Duino"
with more than 400 objects with the image of the Emperor Franz Joseph, the Habsburg family and the alliance with Wilhelm II of Prussia. You may also like to visit the exhibition of musical instruments, the Orpheon collection ongoing until Nov 1. ICTP badge holders pay euro 4,50 for entrance to the Castle. You may also visit the oldest part of the Castle and the "Dama Bianca" rock open for the first time to the public and recently restored. Reservation is necessary. For more info, check: http://www.castellodiduino.it. Take airport bus APT 51. Check: http://www.castellodiduino.it

Mirò, "Il Poeta del Colore"
(the poet of colours) ongoing until 7 November at the Scuderie di Miramare (ex-horse stables of the Miramare Castle close to the main entrance gate). The exhibition is a collection of Mirò's art prints, lithographs, watercolours combined with poetic verses by the artist himself. Open from Tues - Sun 10:00 - 18:30. Entrance ticket euro 5. 


Sistiana Bay Nightlife at the Caravella: Music, Bars and Discos. You can get to Sistiana with the airport bus 51 and walk down to the bay or take bus 44 from Piazza Oberdan (longer route through the Carso).  There are free buses on Saturday night departing from Piazza Oberdan. The service is called "Overnight" and is reserved for young people aged 16 - 25 who wish to go to Sistiana at night. Departure from Piazza Oberdan at 22:15, 22:30, 23:30 and 23:45 and return at 1:10, 2:20, 2:50 and 4:15.

Flea Market and Bric à Brac every Friday in August, down in Sistiana Bay, at the "Parco Caravella" from 18:00 - 23:00.

FREE OPEN AIR GYM CLASSES in Barcola ongoing until 5 September
organized by the Association Benessere Estate in Movimento. Before each class, you are kindly requested to meet up with your teacher Barcola fountain 5 minutes before. All classes will be held in the "Pineta" area (the woods close to the fountain) and water gym close to the "pedalo" area: Tai Chi classes in on 14 and 21 July from 19:30 - 20:30, Hatha Yoga classes on Wednesdays from 18:30 - 19:30, Water Yoga on Thursdays from 17:45 - 18:45, Peak Pilates on Tuesdays and Fridays from 18:00 - 19:00. Belly dance classes with Yasmin Anuby on Tuesdays from 19:00 - 20:00. Acqua Gym Wednesdays and Fridays at 17:00 or Gim'nMusic on Mondays and Thursdays at 18:30. For more info call: 040 5699431 or write to info@estateinmovimento.it


Medieval Fest in Gemona del Friuli "Tempus est Jocundum" from 30 July to 1 August with medieval costumes parades in the old city centre, exhibitions, games, a food and wine market, crafts etc. You may easily reach Gemona by train. Check http://www.girofvg.com/13896/tempus-est-jocundum-agosto-medievale.html

International Music Festival in the Region:  "Nei Suoni dei Luoghi" (
in the sounds of places) ongoing until 4 September: http://www.neisuonideiluoghi.it

Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information.

Check website: http://portal.ictp.it/infopoint