

WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK                       17  - 20 June 2010


Free Concert in the Miramare Park by the Brass Ensemble of the Tartini Music Conservatory of Trieste on Sunday 20 June at 11:00. The concert is held on the occasion of the European Day for Music and is organized by the Province of Trieste's music festival "Teatri a Teatro Open Door 2010". You may check the entire programme at: http://www.provincia.trieste.it.

is the annual Celtic Festival held in Trieste from Fri 18 to 27 June at the Boschetto del Ferdinandeo (bus 11 from Piazza della Borsa). There is a full programme of live bands with original "Celtic" music from all over Europe. There are also kiosks selling all kinds of items and hand made crafts related to the "magical and legendary" Celtic times. Check: http://www.utherpendragon.it/home


Ballet at the Trieste Verdi Theatre ongoing until 19 June: with the Antonio Marquez Ballet Company from Spain and the extraordinary participation of choreographer Paco Romero. Performances on 17 - 18 and 19 June. There is a 50% reduction on tickets purchased "last minute" (one hour before the show) for all performances directly at the Verdi's ticket office. You may also send an SMS to: 340 4350395 and join the Verdi's mailing list info for last minute seats availability. For more info on program and tickets, check: http://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com. The Verdi is close to Piazza Unità, in Riva 3 Novembre, nr 1.

Operetta music on Wednesday 23 and Sunday 30 June:
"Aspettando il Festival" (Waiting for the Festival) with solo singers performing famous operetta airs at the Ridotto del Verdi inside the Verdi Theatre, Sala Victor de Saba, at 18:00. Tickets can be purchased directly at the Verdi Ticket office (fixed price euro 8) open on Tues - Fri 8:30-12:30, 15:30-19:00, Sat 9:00 - 16:00 and Sunday 30 June one hour before the show.

Bach Music
on Sun 20 June at 11:30 at the Lutheran Church in largo Panfili 1 (close to the Central Post Office). Free entrance. The concert is a violin and cymbal duo. Check: http://www.chiesaluterana.it


"Nei Suoni dei Luoghi" is an international music festival starting on 19 June and ongoing until 4 September with concerts held in different locations in the Region. This year, the festival aims at giving excellent student-musicians from the Music Academies of Banja Luka in Bosnia Herzegovina, of Cetinje in Montenegro, of Ljubljana, Tirana, Zagabria, Trieste and Udine the opportunity to perform alongside famous international musicians. For a complete programme of this event check: http://www.neisuonideiluoghi.it/2010/it/

"Udin&Jazz"music festival 2010
starts on 19 June, in Udine. For programme: http://www.euritmica.it

The Jazz Festival in Ljubljana
starts 19 June: Check programme: http://enljubljanajazz.si/programme/schedule


Mirò, "Il Poeta del Colore" (the poet of colours) ongoing until 7 November at the Scuderie di Miramare (ex-horse stables of the Miramare Castle close to the main entrance gate). The exhibition is a collection of Mirò's art prints, lithographs, watercolours combined with poetic verses by the artist himself. Open from Tues - Sun 10:00 - 18:30. Entrance ticket euro 5. 


In Barcola: There are several public and free areas along the seaside where you can spread your towel anywhere you wish and just dive into the sea! Pick the spots where you can also have access to free showers.

There are two beach clubs close to ICTP
that offer a  euro 0.50 discount on the entrance ticket upon presentation of your ICTP badge: "The Riviera" is situated in Strada Costiera 20 (beneath the Riviera Hotel) and the "Sirena" in Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta n.2 (close to the Adriatico Guest House).


"Mare and Vitovska"at the Duino Castle is a wine and tasting event taking place in the main courtyard of the Duino Castle on Fri 18 June starting at 18:00. It is combined with a fish tasting event with some of the best local restaurants of Trieste and the Carso who will offer their specialties. The event is promoted by the Consortium for the safeguard of DOC wines of the Carso and the Province of Trieste. "Vitovska" is an excellent white wine produced only in the Carso area of Trieste and Slovenia. On this occasion, there will also be an entertaining performance by the "Pupkin Kabarett" of the Miela Theatre at 22:00. For more info check: http://www.mareevitovska.eu/

"Cantine nei Castelli"
(Wine Cellars in Castles) is a wine tasting event that will take place in certain private castles or ancient villas of the Friuli Venezia Region that produce some of the most famous wines of the Region. These dwellings will be open to the public only on Sunday 20 June from 10:00 - 13:00 / 14:30 - 18:30. There will be special guided tours of the premises on the hour. The entrance to each wine cellar costs euro 6/pers that includes a visit of the cellar and wine tasting. For a complete list of cellars to visit, check: http://www.mtvfriulivg.it


To Trieste and Sisitiana from Grignano: Check timetables on http://www.triestetrasporti.it and click on "servizi marittimi".

To Grado: Everyday departure from Molo Audace in Trieste (close to Piazza Unità) at 08:00, 13:00 and 16:50. One way ticket: euro 5,70 / return 8,65. Check:  http://www.aptgorizia.it/cms/data/pages/servizi_marittima.aspx

To Slovenia ongoing until September
from Tuesday to Sunday to the Slovenian and Croatian coastal towns of Portorose, Pirano, Parenzo and Rovigno. Departure from Molo IV ("Dock IV" - 5 minutes walk form the Train Station). Timetables and prices available at the Info Point, website under construction: http://www.triestelines.it

For more info on excursions, transportations and free-time activities, check our website
: http://infopoint.ictp.it

Shops with discounts for ICTP: http://portal.ictp.it/infopoint/free-time-activities/shops-with-discount/

In order to better organize your weekend check the weather forecast in Trieste and in the F.V.G Region: http://www.osmer.fvg.it/~www/EN/HOME/ or http://www.ilmeteo.it/meteo/Trieste.

ICTP’s Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or completeness of the above information.