Further to yesterday’s message please note that:

H1N1 (swine flu)

We have to inform you that ONLY  the Aziende Sanitarie (Health Authorities) can manage this vaccine; therefore a private citizen cannot buy this vaccine in the pharmacy.
(Info coming from the Italian National Health scheme)

We feel like adding a note about the safety of the vaccine:
     "The data presented today (1/10/2009 ndr) about the vaccine against H1N1  - explained Giuseppe Del Giudice, global head of Transnational Medicine Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Research Center, show that the vaccine is safe." (congresso nazionale della Federazione italiana medici pediatri (Fimp)

     It is strongly advised to get vaccinated against the flu that usually appears in our hemisphere: the vaccine is available in the pharmacy and ICTP Medical Service has already booked a certain number of doses for our staff members who will ask for it.

Please contact us in order to book your dose: we are planning to start the injections during the week between 19 and 23 October 2009.

We will not accept any booking of vaccine received after Friday,  16 October 2009

Mara Chiandotto
Senior Nurse
ictp Medical Service
Via Beirut 6, Fermi Building
Tel. +390402240500 