27 - 30 August 2009


JOIN THE FIRST ICTP DIGITAL PHOTO COMPETITION: Open to Scientists, Visitors, Ictp Staff and Consultants. Following many requests from our visitors asking for postcards of Trieste, we have decided to organize a digital photo competition. Each participant can submit up to three digital photographs in colour. The selected photos will be printed as postcards and made available to Ictp's visitors on a cost-reimbursement basis. DEADLINE: 31st August 2009. For info, call the Info Point, ext. 433/90.

Photo Competition: History of Nature - Moments of biodiversity",
promoted by the WWF-Area Marina Protetta di Miramare and the Circolo Fotografico Triestino with the support of the Province of Trieste, the UNESCO Centre and the Corpo Forestale Regionale. It aims at promoting genetic diversity in nature, animal life and plants.  There is also a special section on "marine life" of the Miramare area. Participation is free and open to all. Please check these websites for more info on rules: http://www.riservamarinamiramare.it and http://www.circolofotograficotriestino.it


New Art show: Fri 28 August at 19.00 hrs. pretty and talented Artist Raffaella Busdon inaugurates her solo show downtown at Hotel Continental in Via San Nicolò 25. The artist's paintings are highly appreciated by curators and dealers in Trieste and abroad. Open for 3 weeks, each day during hotel's opening hours. Everyone is welcome to the inauguration

New photography exhibition: Museo Carà-Kartell-Triestefotografia.
Invitation to the inauguration on Sat 29 August at the Mueo Ugo Carà in Muggia. There will be a selection of 150 photographs from the Kartell Art collection of pieces of furniture and objects chosen and designed by Kartell and photographed and put in a different perspective by famous artists and famous photographers such as David Lachapelle, Karl Lagerfeld, Peter Lindbergh, Helmut Newton, Ranjit Grewal to mention a few. The exhibition is open from Tues - Sun 18:30 - 20:30, Thurs 10:00 - 12:00. Bus 20 to Muggia or Ferryboat.

"Art & Cinema" at the Revoltella Museum
there will be a series of films related to Leonor Fini's friendship and artistic collaboration with Renoir, Buñuel and artists such as Dali or writers such as Cocteau.

Thurs 27 August at 20:30: 2 films will be projected in the Auditorium with Italian actress Anna Magnani:"La Voce Umana" (The Human Voice) directed by Roberto Rossellini in 1948, and " La Carosse d'Or" directed by by Jean Renoir in 1953. Ticket entrance to the Museum and the Auditorium (plus a series of guided tours from 18:00 - 21:30) is € 6,00.

The ongoing exhibition at the Revoltella Museum is: Leonor Fini "L'Italienne de Paris, an Argentine surrealist painter who lived in Trieste in the early part of her life and subsequently moved to Paris  (1907 - 1996). The exhibition presents a huge collection of 150 works coming from important museums and private Italian, French and American collections, illustrating different periods of the artist's works. Open until 4 October. For more info check http://www.museorevoltella.it.


"Genti di San Spiridione. I Serbi a Trieste 1751 - 1914" (the history of the Serb Minority in Trieste) in collaboration with the General Consulate of Serbia, the religious Serb-Orthodox community of Trieste and the History and Art Museums of Trieste. Ongoing until 4 November, at the San Giusto Castle.




Classical Music Concert in the Miramare Castle Throne Room every Friday at 20:30, organized by the Tartini Conservatory of Trieste. Ticket cost € 4,00 payable directly at the ticket office of the Castle entrance on a first-come first-served basis. Be there at least half an hour before the show starts.

Fri 28 August: Voice recital with Nikdaj Pintar (baritono) and Margarita Swarczewski (mezzo soprano) with music by Schubert, Brahms, Tosti, Tchaikovsky, Simoniti and Quilter. Check: http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it


Sounds and Lights Show at the Duino Castle from the sea "La Rocca degli Usignoli". Last day! (the Rock of the Nightingale which tells the story of the artistic and intellectual friendship between the poet Rilke and Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis). The show is seen from the sea on board the Delfino Verde ferryboat. Last day on Thurs 27 August

Departure is fixed from the dock in the Bay of Sistiana at 21:00 and return at 22:45. You may take bus Apt 51 (the airport bus) to Sistiana and return. Ticket cost for the boat and show: € 7,00. Booking is necessary at "Ticket Point" in Corso Italia n.6/c, or directly at the Duino Castle's box office from 9:30 - 17:30. Check http://www.airsac.it



"Karst Wedding" (Nozze Carsiche) 25 - 30 August in Monrupino from 18:00  - 00:00 hrs and Sunday from 8:30 to midnight.

The event recalls traditional Karst weddings and highlights the most important moments of a wedding celebrated in the small villages of the Karst plateau in the past. Every two years two real spouses are chosen from nearby villages of the Karst to celebrate their wedding in a traditional and folkloristic fashion during a week. Besides the celebrations, parallel events will be organized as well: choirs and musical bands, exhibitions and markets with artistic handicrafts and typical stands offering traditional dishes and wines from the Karst in collaboration with restaurants from Repen and Col. Bus 42 from Piazza Oberdan. There will also be a shuttle bus connecting Opicina and Monrupino on Saturday and Sunday.  See http://www.carsoweb.com


"Scimmie in Gabbia 2009" is the 8th edition of a dance/music/visual arts festival related to underground languages and sub-cultures. This year, a selected team of graffiti artists, "on the road", experimenting a new formula of entertainment, aimed to improve youth mobility, cultural dialogue and creative exchanges will travel across Italy, Austria and Slovenia, using a decorated bus and bringing around live painting shows and performances.  They will be in Trieste on Sunday 30 with a break-dance competition and a "writing" convention in the Melara district. The programme could be changed at the last minute by the organizers. For more info, see: http://www.scimmieingabbia.net. You may reach Melara by taking bus 25 from Piazza Goldoni.


In Trieste:

Molo Audace in front of Piazza Unità:

Live music on Sat 29 and Sun 30 August starting at 19:00. Bus 8.


Activities for Children aged 6 -10 organized by the Ufficcio Progetti Speciali di Area. There are a number of open-air activities for children in different areas of the city, games, artistic bricolage lessons, story-telling etc... For programme check http://retecivica.trieste.it/educazione/ click on "spazi urbani in giocco 2009".


"Cavana Tango" on Thurs 27 August from 21:00 to 23:00. This event is taking place in the streets of the old city between Piazza Cavana and via del Pesce. Music and tango in the open air with tango schools performing but the event is open to anyone who would like to join. This will be repeated on 3 September. Bus 8.



Porto San Rocco Sun 30 - Mon 31 August: "Erev Laila - 3rd edition: Nuove Tracce verso Gerusalemme", books, films and food tasting to promote Jewish tradition and culture. Organized by the Associazione Musica Libera. For more info see: http://musicalibera.it Bus 20.


Other cultural and musical events taking place in the region:

"Days of Wine and Poetry" 25 - 29 August. In Medana (Slovenia) in the Slovene side of the Collio wine producing area in the surroundings and in Cormons near Gorizia. Multilingual poetry reading accompanied by music, exhibitions, art installations. and performances. Admission to all festival events is free until Friday. On Saturday, the admission to the readings and concert is 10 EUR (5 EUR for university and secondary school students and retired, free for children up to 14). 5€ of the paid entrance fee represents a voucher for the purchase of books on location. For more details: http://www.culturaglobale.it or http://www.medana.org or http://www.poezijainvino.org


"Puppet Festival": shows in Grado on 24 - 28 August and in Gorizia from 2 - 5 September. For a complete programme check http://www.ctagorizia.it tel: 0481. 537280

Cantera Social Club in the Sistiana Bay
is open during the summer each day from 23:00. You can get to Sistiana with the airport bus 51 and walk down to the bay or take bus 44 from Piazza Oberdan.  Bus 73 takes you down to the bay, but the last bus up is at 20.06 so be sure not to miss it unless you can cope with the steep climb back up. There are free buses on Saturday night for young people who wish to go to Sistiana Bay with the following timetable: Departure from Piazza Oberdan at 22:15, 22:30, 23:30 and 23:45 and return at 1:10, 2:20, 2:50 and 4:15 (the two last returns will proceed to Muggia and Opicina). FLEA MARKET AND BRIC A BRAC: Every Friday in August, down in Sistiana Bay, at the "Parco Caravella", there is a flea market from 18:00 - 23:00.


Guided Tour on foot of Trieste’s historical monuments (in Italian and English) at 10:00 daily. The tour lasts 2 hours and costs Euro 5,00 (children under 12 go free). Advance booking is necessary; please call the Tourist Bureau in Piazza Unità. Tel. 040-3478312. Email: info@turismo.fvg.it


Useful Websites: Restaurants in Trieste: http://www.vivalapappa.it/ristoranti/elenco.php/provincia=Trieste
Bus schedules in Trieste: http://www.triestetrasporti.it - Train timetables: http://www.trenitalia.it
Ticket purchase for concerts in and out of Trieste: “Ticket Point” in Corso Italia 6/c tel: 040.3498277
Buses for trips outside Trieste: http:www.autostazionetrieste.it