13 - 16 August 2009

Ferragosto is a typical Italian holiday that takes place on Saturday, August 15. It dates back to ancient Rome (18 b.c.) during the reign of Emperor Octavian Augustus (63 b.c. to 14 a.d.) and derives from the Latin word Feriae Augusti meaning, the rest of Augustus. In fact, he instituted this mid summer holiday to celebrate the completion of harvesting and most of the heavy farm works. It actually lasted for the whole month.

Nowadays, Italians enjoy this feast by travelling, going to the beach, taking part in concerts, plays, events and enjoying many initiatives set up for the day. Several shops may be shut, buses will be running according to the Sunday schedule (in Italian: "festivo") but there will be alot going on, so keep your eyes open and eat water-melon, a typical Roman custom to celebrate ferragosto after meals!


"Musei di Sera" (Museums open at night) is a cultural event organized each year by the Comune di Trieste. The Sartorio Museum (an ancient 18th century Villa of noble Genovese origins) is at the centre of this event and will be open at night from 20:00 - 00:00 hrs every Tuesday and Wednesday offering a series of guided tours of its numerous art collections such as the Tiepolo Veneziano works of art and more recently those of Fittke. There will also be a series of music concerts and plays in the Villa's garden.

18 August at 21:00 "The Red Wine Serenaders", country blues, ragtime, hokum and jug band music from the 1920s and '30s.

19 August at 21:00: " Il Mondo e il Teatro" (the life of play writer Carlo Goldoni) with Laura Rizzetto (mezzo-soprano) accompanied by Marco Barbato on the piano

The Sartorio Museum is situated in Largo Papa Giovanni XXXIII n.1. Bus 30 and 10.

The entrance fee for the guided tours and musical entertainment is € 3,00. For more on programme: http:// www.retecivica.trieste.it/triestecultura/new/museidisera09/


"Art & Cinema" at the Revoltella Museum there will be a series of French films related to Leonor Fini's friendship and artistic collaboration with Renoir, Buñuel and artists such as Dali or writers such as Cocteau.

Thurs 13 August at 20:30: 2 films will be projected in the Auditorium. "L'âge d'Or" a film by Luis Buñuel and "le Sang d'un Poète" by Jean Cocteau (the films are in French with Italian subtitles). Ticket entrance to the Museum and the film (plus a series of guided tours from 18:00 - 21:30) is € 6,00.

The ongoing exhibition at the Revoltella Museum is: Leonor Fini "L'Italienne de Paris, an Argentine surrealist painter who lived in Trieste in the early part of her life and subsequently moved to Paris  (1907 - 1996). The exhibition presents a huge collection of 150 works coming from important museums and private Italian, French and American collections, illustrating different periods of the artist's works. Open until 4 October. For more info check http://www.museorevoltella.it/


"Genti di San Spiridione. I Serbi a Trieste 1751 - 1914" (the history of the Serb Minority in Trieste) in collaboration with the General Consulate of Serbia, the religious Serb-Orthodox community of Trieste and the History and Art Museums of Trieste. Ongoing until 4 November, at the San Giusto Castle.



Classical Music Concert in the Miramare Castle Throne Room every Friday at 20:30, organized by the Tartini Conservatory of Trieste. Ticket cost € 4,00 payable directly at the ticket office of the Castle entrance on a first-come first-served basis. Be there at least half an hour before the show starts.

Fri 14 August: A flute quartet concert with musicians from the Muscic Academy of Lubiana, music by Dekleva, Lauber, Damase, Casterede and Bozza. See: http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it/


Sounds and Lights Show at the Duino Castle from the sea "La Rocca degli Usignoli" (the Rock of the Nightingale which tells the story of the artistic and intellectual friendship between the poet Rilke and Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis). The show is seen from the sea on board the Delfino Verde ferryboat.

Departure is fixed from the dock in the Bay of Sistiana at 21:00 and return at 22:45. You may take bus Apt 51 (the airport bus) to Sistiana and return. Ticket cost for the boat and show: € 7,00. Booking is necessary at "Ticket Point" in Corso Italia n.6/c, or directly at the Duino Castle's box office from 9:30 - 17:30. The shows will be performed on the following days: 12 -13 - 19 - 20 - 26 - 27 August. Check http://www.airsac.it/



Piazza Unità at 21:00

- Thurs 13 August: "Righeira "in Concert, an Italian pop band

- Fri 14 August: Live music concert, "Dari" a new band from Aosta

- Sat 15 August:  a tribute concert in honour of Lelio Lutazzi, a famous Italian showman, composer and musician, followed by  "Overfunk and friends" band.

"Cavana Tango" on Thurs 13 August from 21:00 to 23:00. This event is taking place in the streets of the old city between Piazza Cavana and via del Pesce. Music and tango in the open air with tango schools performing but the event is open to anyone who would like to join. This will be repeated on 20, 27 August and 3 September.

Piazza Hortis at 21:00

- Fri 14 August: "Sarto per Signore" a vaudeville comedy in Italian by George Feydeau

Foro San Giusto (San Giusto Castle) on Thurs 13 August at 21:00

The best of the operetta repertoire with the "Cameristi Triestini" directed by Fabio Nossal, Andrea Binetti tenore and and soprano Gisella Sanvitale.

"Barcolissima": 13 -16 August near and around the Barcola Fountain, music, entertainment and kiosks.


Other cultural and musical events taking place in the region:

In Udine and surroundings: http://www.udinecultura.it/

Cantera Social Club in the Sistiana Bay
is open during the summer each day from 23:00. You can get to Sistiana with the airport bus 51 and walk down to the bay or take bus 44 from Piazza Oberdan.  Bus 73 takes you down to the bay, but the last bus up is at 20.06 so be sure not to miss it unless you can cope with the steep climb back up. There are free buses on Saturday night for young people who wish to go to Sistiana Bay with the following timetable: Departure from Piazza Oberdan at 22:15, 22:30, 23:30 and 23:45 and return at 1:10, 2:20, 2:50 and 4:15 (the two last returns will proceed to Muggia and Opicina)

FLEA MARKET AND BRIC A BRAC: Every Friday in August, down in Sistiana Bay, at the "Parco Caravella", there is a flea market from 18:00 - 23:00.


Guided Tours:

-On Sat 15 August at 10:30: "dangerous species", organized by the Giardino Botanico Carsian and the Natural Reserve of Miramare. Meeting point at the "Castelletto" in the Miramare Park. A biologist will guide you and illustrate some dangerous living orgnanisms in the Adriatic waters. The visit lasts approx till 12:00. check www. carsiana.eu or riservamarinamiramare.it/ tel: 040 229573

- On Sat 15 and Sun 16 at the Carsiana Botanical Gardens in Sgonico, there will be a series of guided tours starting at 17:00 on poisonous and plants of the Carso. You can reach Sgonico by bus 46 from Piazza Oberdan.

Guided Tour on foot of Trieste’s historical monuments
(in Italian and English) at 10:00 daily. The tour lasts 2 hours and costs Euro 5,00 (children under 12 go free). Advance booking is necessary; please call the Tourist Bureau in Piazza Unità. Tel. 040-3478312. Email: info@turismo.fvg.it


Useful Websites: Restaurants in Trieste: http://www.vivalapappa.it/ristoranti/elenco.php/provincia=Trieste
Bus schedules in Trieste: www.triestetrasporti.it - Train timetables: www.trenitalia.it
Ticket purchase for concerts in and out of Trieste: “Ticket Point” in Corso Italia 6/c tel: 040.3498277
Buses for trips outside Trieste: www.autostazionetrieste.it