We have received some free tickets for ICTP scientific visitors to visit the Grotta Gigante (the world's largest cave open to the public).

Situated in the Carso hills above Trieste, the Grotta is about half an hour from the city centre. An exclusive feature of the cave is the horizontal pendulum, constructed by university researchers in order to calculate the slightest movements of the earth's crust. You can easily get there by bus 42 from Piazza Oberdan in Trieste and get off at Borgo Grotta-Sgonico. Visiting time from 10:00 -16:00 with a guided tour on the hour. You can get more information from www.grottagigante.it.

If you are interested in visiting the Grotta Gigante, tickets will be assigned on a first-come first-served basis.  You should contact the Info Point in person (on the left of the entrance in the Leonardo Building), or by e-mail (info_pt@ictp.it).

Info Point