Wednesday 30 July:  Live concert by CHIRIKE'  at the Adriatico Guesthouse, terrace level
                                      Special Mexican & Indonesian dishes

All scientists and staff are invited for a special summer evening to enjoy a concert by the CHIRICHE' band  (well-known in Trieste, international musicians playing Latin-American,  rhythmic and jazz music)  and to taste special ethnic food.

The concert will start at 20.30 at the Adriatico terrace area and will continue with some intervals during the evening for a couple of hours.

The Adriatico cafeteria will serve Mexican and Indonesian meals from 7.30  to 9 p.m.
You  can pay with a meal voucher and this includes  a drink and dessert.

For those who do not have meal vouchers, the cost  is 6,70 euro/head for an ethnic dish + bread + 1/2 liter water.
Any other item (wine, coke, dessert, etc.) selected will be charged as per price list.

The Leonardo Building cafeteria, instead,  will have a regular menu on  30 July.

Warm and nice weather has been ordered.

Everybody is invited and we hope that you will enjoy this special evening.

Thank you
Info Point
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