What's On This Week 5 - 8 May 2011
Info Point
info_pt at ictp.it
Thu May 5 13:01:39 CEST 2011
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*WHAT'S ON THIS WEEK 5 - 8 May 2011*
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TONIGHT at 19:00 "Aperitivo Nucleare", a talk (in Italian) by ICTP's
Prof. Claudio Tuniz on Nuclear plants, safety, security, and
radioactivity at Bar Knulp in via Madonna del Mare 7/A (downtown Cavana
* *
*LA "BAVISELA"Marathon** is an important sport event held every year in
Trieste and is taking place on Sunday 8 May. It is a 42 km European
Marathon. The race will start at 9:00 from Gradisca and end in Trieste.
*There will be important marathon runners competing at a high
international level. *On the same day two minor marathons will take
place as well*:
*The "Two-Castles Marathon" *a 21 km race, starting at 10:15 from the
Duino Castle to San Giusto in Trieste and a *7 km non-competitive
marathon starting at 10:45 from Miramare to Piazza Unità *, open to
anybody wishing to participate (check the website here below for
registration fees and schedules).
Starting today, there is a rich programme with side events, sports with
collateral races such as a Ski-Roll competition on Saturday, and a
sailing regatta in the Gulf of Trieste on Sunday. You will find kiosks
on the "Rive" (the seaside promenade) selling all kinds of sports items,
music entertainment and fireworks on Saturday night starting from 21:30.
If you wish to participate or see the programme check
*Important notice: Bus 36 will not be running on Sunday from 6:00 - 16:30.*
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*Symphony music at the Tripcovich Theatre *with the Verdi Orchestra on
Saturday 7 May at 20:30, directed by Ryvichiro Sonoda from Japan with
music by Mozart, Arutiunian, Bozza, Viozzi and Dvorak. Tickets can be
purchased directly at the Verdi Theatre during the week or at the
Tripcovch Theatre, situated close to the Central Train Station, one hour
before the show. Ticket price from euro 5 to 15.* *
* *
*Miramare Castle Concert on Sunday 8 May in the Throne Room at 17:00*: A
duo violin and piano concert with music by Brahms and Schubert. The
concert is organized by the Associazione Arte & Musica. No booking is
required but you must be there well in advance in order to find a seat!
The concert is free; you must only pay the regular entrance to the
Castle (euro 6).
Tartini Music Conservatory "Wednesday Night Concerts" is free and open
to all prior to booking. Forthcoming on Wed 11 May: A cello - piano duo
with Marianna Sinagra and Lorenzo Cossi, music by Brahms, Janacek and
Prokofiev. *Next performances on 18 and 25 May. The Conservatory is
situated in* *via Ghega 12, close to the Central Train Station. You must
book your place by calling the Conservatory the day before each concert
preferably on Tuesday morning (tel: 040 6724911). Please be there 15
minutes before the show. See: http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it* *
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*"Cavour and Trieste" on Sat 7 May at 15:00 and Sunday 8 May at 11:00
(euro 3,50).* The exhibition highlights the special relationship Cavour
had with the city of Trieste, his stay in 1836, and the political and
economic importance of the city used as a model for Europe's
modernization in the 19th century. Entrance ticket euro 5 (opening times
9:00 - 17:00). Check http://www.triestecultura.it**
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*"Trieste Liberty" on Sunday 8 May at 11:00 (euro 3) "Costruire e
abitare l'alba del '900", *(Trieste Liberty, urban architecture 1900 -
1914) at the Salone degli Incanti - ex Pescheria in Riva Sauro 1. Bus
8.This is an exhibition on architectural projects and designs during the
Liberty period in Trieste highlighting the works of famous local and
national architects such as Max Fabiani, Josip Costaperaria, Giuseppe
Sommaruga, Giorgio Zaninovich, Romeo Depaoli, Giacomo Zammatio and
others*. Check: http://www.comune.trieste.it*
* *
*Sightseeing Tour by bus*, every day from 10:00 - 17:30 with departures
every 56 minutes from Grignano or the Stazione Marittima (close to
Piazza Unità ). You can hop on or off at any of the stops on the way. The
itinerary is as follows: Stazione Marittima, Corso Italia, San Giusto,
Campo Marzio, Riva Nazario Sauro, via Filzi, Piazza Oberdan, Train
Station, Barcola, Grignano, Miramare and return. On board, there is a
multi-lingual commentary (Italian, English, French, German, Spanish,
Russian and Slovene). Tickets are purchased directly on the bus and are
valid 24 hrs. Price: euro 15 for adults, euro 7 for children (aged 5 -
15), there is also a family ticket for euro 33 (2 adults +1 child), and
euro 40 family ticket for 2 adults + 2 Children. Check
http://www.city-sightseeing.it, tel: +39 3939172656
* *
*Inauguration of a solo exhibition by artist Federica Pellegrino *on
Saturday 7 May at 19:00 at the Atelier Carpeartem in via del Trionfo 1,
(Arco di Riccardo)
*"150 anni d'arte da Fattori a Fontana". *On the occasion of the
celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, 120
works of famous Italian artists form the 19th and 20th centuries are
exhibited at the "Scuderie di Miramare" (ex-horse stables of the
Miramare Castle - before the Main Entrance on the right). The exhibition
is ongoing until 28 August. Open 10:00 - 19:00 (closed on Mondays).
Ticket euro 8. Check: http://www.tadinoartecontemporanea.com
*Miela Theatre in Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi: Friday 6 May: *John Waite
at 21:00 (ticket euro 26) and Sat 7 May: Jazz concert "Get the Blessing"
a jazz ensemble from the U.K at 21:30 (http://www.controtempo.org)
* *
*Music Festival for Children 7 - 28 May, *with music workshops and
concerts in different locations downtown. The event is organized mainly
by "Casa della Musica", in via dei Capitelli 3 (Piazza Cavana) in
Trieste. Some activities are free but booking your place is necessary.
Check http://www.festivaldellamusicaperbambini.com
<http://www.festivaldellamusicaperbambini.com>or contact Casa della
Musica: 040 307309
*"Majenca" Spring Festival in San Dorligo della Valle and Carso
villages* 5 - 10 May. It is a spring festival held every year that has
its roots in the Slovene traditions where every village erects a fifteen
meter fir trunk carrying a cherry tree on the top. There will be a
special celebration in Dolina, the centre of the Majenca festival, with
entertainment, art vernissage, kiosks with traditional foods and drinks
and music. Check programme:
<http://www.majenca.it>http://www.majenca.it. You may reach San Dorligo
by bus 40.
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*The Associazione Italo Americana in via Roma 15 in Trieste has
organized a number of talks in English: "Real Science In Trieste"
coordinated by Antonio Coppola (TWAS). Today at 18:30, Bobby Acharya
will give a talk on "Revealing the Mysteries of the Large Hadron
Collider (LHC)". Free entrance. for more info call: 040 630 301*
* *
*Art workshop for Children at the Sartorio Museum on Sunday 8 May at
10:30 *for children aged 7 - 11. Info and booking at the Segreteria
della Casa della Musica tel. 040 307309 - Mon-Fri 15-19/ Mon-Tues-Fri
also 10-12.
You may also visit this ancient 18th century villa and its beautiful
rooms with its antique furniture and learn about the history of Trieste
through the lives of the Sartorio family members. The museum has a
number of important art collections such as the famous Venetian artist
Tiepolo (1696-1770) and more recently, those of Fittke. For more info
call 040 301479. The Sartorio is situated in Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII,
n.1 - take bus 30**
* *
*The Associazione Bel Composto* has organized a series of lectures and
meetings on 19 and 28 May in Trieste dealing with art, music and
culture. Please see programme here below or check website:
www.belcomposto.net <http://www.belcomposto.net>
*Flower show and sale at the Civico Orto Botanico (Trieste botanic
gardens) *in via Marchesetti 2, on Sunday 8 May from 10:00 until sunset.
At 18:30 there will be a music concert in the open air.
*Flea Market in Muggia on Sunday 8 May from 8:00 until sunset in piazza
della Repubblica by* the sea. Organized by the associazione Cose di
Vecchie Case", tel: 339 7495333.
* Brescia: "Matisse - La Seduzione di Michelangelo" ongoing until 12
June* at the Museo di Santa Giulia with a collection 180 works by
Matisse. Mon - Thurs 9:00 -20:00 / Fri - Sat 9:00 - 21:00 and Sun 9:00 -
20:00. Ticket euro 14. Info at 800 775083. http://www.matissebrescia.it
* *
*/Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness or
completeness of the above information. Check website:
* *
Info Point
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste - IT
tel: +39 040 2240 433
fax: +39 040 224163
info_pt at ictp.it
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