What's on This Week 8 - 11 April 2010
Info Point
info_pt at ictp.it
Thu Apr 8 11:08:09 CEST 2010
* *
8 - 11 April 2010*
*New Opera at the Trieste Verdi Theatre: Tannhäuser by Richard Wagner
ongoing until Sunday 18 April. *There is a 50% reduction on tickets
purchased "last minute" (one hour before the show) for all performances
directly at the Verdi's ticket office. You may also send an SMS to: 340
4350395 and join the Verdi's mailing list info for last minute seats
availability. For more info on program and tickets, check:
http://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com. The Verdi is close to Piazza Unità ,
in Riva 3 Novembre, nr 1.**
Concert at the Revoltella Museum Auditorium on Sat 10 April at 17:00 in
Via Diaz 27: *Duo Synchordia (violin and harp) followed by Duo Novrino
Magariello (piano and violoncello), organized by the Scuola Superiore
Internazionale di Musica "Trio di Trieste and the United World College.
Entrance euro 6,50. Check http://www.museorevoltella.it
The Tartini Music Conservatory offers a series of free concerts every
Wednesday. Forthcoming concert on Wed 14 April at 20:30: Piano Recital
with Jens Harald Bratlie, in collaboration with the Oslo Music
Conservatory.* The Conservatory is situated in* *via Ghega 12. You must
book your place by calling the Conservatory the day before each concert
preferably in the morning (tel: 040 6724911) (i.e. Tuesday). Please be
there 15 minutes before the show. See: http://www.conservatorio.trieste.it
JAZZ at Bar Knulp* in via Madonna del Mare 7/a on Friday 9 April at
20:45 with the Trio Tull Davanzo Morpurgo (sax, trumpet and piano),
organized by the Circolo Jazz Thelonious, see:
* * <http://www.thelonious.trieste.it>
*Exhibition at the Duino Castle until 15 Nov "The Emperor at Duino"
*with more than 400 objects with the image of the Emperor Franz Joseph,
the Habsburg family and the alliance with Wilhelm II of Prussia. You may
also like to *visit the exhibition of musical instruments, the Orpheon
collection ongoing until Nov 1. *ICTP badge holders pay euro 4,50 for
entrance to the Castle. You may also visit the oldest part of the Castle
and the "Dama Bianca" rock open for the first time to the pubic and
recently restored. Reservation is necessary. For more info, check:
http://www.castellodiduino.it. Take airport bus APT 51. Check:
"The Evolution of an idea" at the Immaginario Scientifico in
collaboration with WWF Italy *(Riva Massimiliano e Carlotta 15, in
Grignano beneath the Adriatico Guest House). The exhibition presents
multivision projections on themes related to Darwin's theory of
evolution from the origins of species to biodiversity, on genetics and
the mechanisms of reproduction, on natural selection and biodiversity.
*On Sun 11 April at 11:00, Serena Zachigna from the International Centre
for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology will give a talk on the
evolution of the double helix, Darwinism in modern genetics. *The
exhibition is ongoing until 30 May, open only Sundays 10:00 - 20:00.
Check: http:// www.immaginarioscientifico.it
*Carsiana Botanic Gardens* in Sgonico opens again after the winter
season. There will be special guided tours in Italian and Slovene on
Sunday 11 April at 15:00 and 16:00 on the spring flowering season. The
Carsiana Botanic Garden is situated in Sgonico in the Carso. Opening
times during the week: Tues - Friday only in the mornings 10:00 - 13:00
and on Sat and Sun + holidays open 10:00 - 13:00 / 15:00 - 19:00.
Entrance ticket euro 3. Check http://www.carsiana.eu. Bus 46 from Piazza
*The Synagogue* in Trieste offers guided tours every Sunday at 10:00
11:00 and 12:00. Entrance fee 3,50 (including audio-guide). Via San
Francesco 10, close to Piazza Oberdan.
* *
*The Sartorio Museum *is an ancient 18th century Villa of noble Genovese
origins. *There will be a guided tour of the Villa every Sunday from 21
March to 13 June starting at 10:30 *(the museum will close for Easter on
4 April). You may visit the Villa's beautiful rooms with its antique
furniture and learn about the history of Trieste through the lives of
the Sartorio family members. The museum has a number of important art
collections such as the Tiepolo Veneziano works and more recently those
of Fittke. *There will also be a free-guided tour of the museum for
children aged 6 -11 (the guides will talk about the lives of the
Sartorio children in the 1800s) followed by an art workshop for children
aged 6 -11 every Sunday at 10:30*. Booking for children is necessary at
this number: 040 307309 (Casa della Musica) from Mon - Fri 15:00 - 19:00
/Tues - Thurs 10:00 - 12:00. For more info call 040 301479. The Sartorio
is situated in Largo Papa Giovanni XXIII, n.1 - take bus 30
*Flea Market "Corte dei Miracoli in Muggia, *Piazza della Repubblica on
Sunday 11 all day. You may take the "Delfino Verde" boat from Trieste
(Molo Bersaglieri) or bus 20 to Muggia.
"Spring Market" *with Kiosks and stands with all kinds of crafts,
flowers and decorative items in Piazza Sant'Antonio ongoing until 11
April. **
Wine and farm products in an "osmiza":*The osmiza is a private farm
house, typical of the Carso area, where farmers open their doors and
serve their home made food and wines for a few weeks a year. The term
"osmiza" derives form the Slovene language "osem" which means "eight"
and dates back to the times when the region was under Austrian rule:
farmers had to ask for a special licence to sell there products for "8
days". If you are in the Carso you may notice hand-made wooden signs
with a branch of leaves (called "frascha") indicating the direction of
the osmiza's location. You may have wine, different kinds of hams,
boiled eggs and cheeses. Check those open during this period:
* *http://www.osmize.net**
FOR MORE INFO CHECK OUR WEBSITE/**: /http://infopoint.ictp.it/*
*/In order to better organize your weekend check the weather forecast in
Trieste and in the F.V.G Region: http://www.osmer.fvg.it/~www/EN/HOME/
/**or/ http://www.ilmeteo.it/meteo/Trieste./**/ /**/This weekend in
Trieste, the weather will be partly sunny with mild temperatures. /*
ICTP's Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness
or completeness of the above information./***
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