Opening Ceremony today: Researchers' Night

Info Point info_pt at
Fri Sep 25 12:15:18 CEST 2009


Please note that the Opening Ceremony of the first
Researchers' Night event held in Trieste in Piazza Unita' which will
start at 16:00 in the presence of the Mayor,President of the Province, 
Rector of the University  and representatives from the
participating institutions (ICTP, ICGEB, AREA, OGS, INAF, INFN, SISSA,
SINCROTRONE, UWC,TARTINI CONSERVATORY) . As you are aware, the event is
for all age groups and ICTP has contributed with its scientists who will 
participate in Street Prosit and Science Prosit, in the experiments
in the large gazebo set up in Piazza Unita', in Music Prosit where 4
bands are performing , mini football tournaments.

Our scientists - and those of other institutions - will be present at
the entrance of the CAMERA DI COMMERCIO  - Piazza della Borsa 14,
for Street PROSIT and in the Sala Maggiore of the Camera di Commercio
for Science PROSIT.

The Street PROSIT  interventions will last 10 min. each .
Here is the  PROGRAM:

17:00   Maristella Coglievina, biologo molecolare  (ICGEB)
17:10   Guido Barbiellini, fisico delle particelle  (INFN)
17:20   Claudio Piani, climatologo  (ICTP)
17:30   Loredana Casalis, nanoscienziata  (Elettra)
17:40   Michele Rebesco, esperto di Antartide  (OGS)
17:50   Marco Bomben, fisico delle particelle  (INFN)
18:00   Giorgio Paolucci, fisico della materia  (Elettra)
18:10   Giulio Sbrizzai, fisico delle particelle  (INFN)
18:20   Andrea Dall'Asta, erpetologo  (Civici Musei Scientifici - CMS)
18:30   Andrea Colla, entomologo  (CMS)
18:40   Nicola Bressi, zoologo  (CMS)

19:00   Francesca Matteucci, astrofisica  (INAF-OATS)
19:10   Francesco Longo, fisico delle particelle  (INFN)
19:20   Riccardo Geletti, esperto di Antartide  (OGS)
19:30   Stefano Luzzatto, matematico  (ICTP)
19:40   Andrea Goldoni, nanoscienziato  (Elettra)
19:50   Julian Chela Flores, astrobiologo  (ICTP)
20:00   Fabio Pasian, astronomo  (INAF-OATS)
20:10   Anna Gregorio, astrofisica sperimentale  (Dip. di Fisica, Univ. TS)
20:20   Deborah Arbulla, paleontologa  (CMS)
20:30   Sergio Dolce, biologo  (CMS)

21:00   Livio Sirovich, sismologo  (OGS)
21:10   Paolo Creminelli, cosmologo  (ICTP)
21:20   Matteo Berti, biologo  (ICGEB)
21:30   Giovanni Cantatore, fisico delle particelle  (INFN)
21:40   Carla Castellarin Cudia, fisica della materia  (Elettra)
21:50   Antonello Scardicchio, fisico teorico  (ICTP)
22:00   Luigi Rigon, fisico delle particelle  (INFN)

The SCIENCE PROSIT Program -  with questions by the public assisted by
students of the United World College - is as follows:

17:00       EARTHQUAKES   by

Dario Slejko, OGS
Fabio Romanelli, Univ. Trieste
Abdelkrim Aoudia, ICTP

18:00         THE BRAIN by

Alessandro Treves, SISSA  -
Raffaella Rumiati, SISSA -
Stefano Canali, SISSA  -

19:00       BIOMEDICINE

Guidalberto Manfioletti, Univ. Trieste -
Oscar Burrone, ICGEB -
Mauro Giacca, ICGEB

Joe Niemela will be playing at Piazza Unita both at 19.30 and 22.00.
Carlo Fonda will be in the gazebo on Piazza Unita from 16.30 onwards
with SDU experiments.

Hope to see you all at the event during the evening.

Dag H. Johannessen

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