2006 Prize Ceremony Today

ICTP info point info_pt at ictp.it
Mon Aug 13 09:47:55 CEST 2007

The 2006 ICTP Prize
in honour of Gian-Carlo Wick

will be awarded to

Rajesh Gopakumar
Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India


Monday, August 13, 2007
in the Main Lecture Hall of the ICTP Main Building
at 11:30 hrs.


11:30 	Welcome address by Professor K.R. Sreenivasan
		Director of the Abdus Salam ICTP

		Presentation of the 2006 ICTP Prize by

		Professor Zensho Yoshida
		The University of Tokyo, Japan

		2006 ICTP Prize Lecture by Professor Rajesh Gopakumar
		 "From Fields to Strings"           

Abstract: In this talk I will outline a research program which attempts 
to understand the deep connection between quantum field theories and 
string theories, from first principles. After describing the motivation 
for this study, I will briefly sketch how this connection might be 
made. The basic idea will be a reorganisation of the worldline Feynman 
diagrams of the field theory into worldsheets of the dual string 

All are most cordially invited to attend.

Anne Gatti
Director's Office
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
I-34100 Trieste
Tel:  +39 040 2240251
Fax: + 39 040 2240410
e-mail: gatti at ictp.it

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